Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 8/16/20 7:32 am

Last week: 188.8

This week: 189.0

Locals schools bit by bit are starting back to school this week. Some in person, some distance learn and there is the hybrid option too. I have often been thankful I never had any kiddos. I sure am this year!

A phone call to Hell from Texas this past week would have been a local call! 103-105 with heat indexes 108-110. More "seasonal", mid-90's, this week. Had to start running sprinklers to keep soil closest to house moist to keep slab from doing wonky crap like cracking. Not mowing all the yard this week just inside the fence where it's being watered.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 8/16/20 8:43 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 223.5
This Week 223.5

My daughter's senior year. Plans change at least once a week. Online, in school, hybrid. Not sure on sports yet, but the marching band is practicing in a modified practice.

Been in the upper 80's last week with no rain. Today mid 70's and some well needed rain. Tomatoes are doing well and producing. Just like Guy Clark sang "Home grown tomatoes. Only two things that money can't buy. That's true love and home grown tomatoes"

Google it, it's a catchy little ditty :-)

Good week to all

Don 1962
on 8/16/20 3:17 pm

Don't recall it going too far up the Country music chart but remember playing it back in the radio station days of my yout'.

on 8/16/20 8:47 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week: 184.6
This week: 187.6

Just a few days left in quarantine. Not looking forward to going back to work but will be glad to be able to do my own grocery shopping again. Been inside for a week and a half other than cutting the grass and a trip to Sam's for a no contact pickup so not that up on the weather, Hope all are well.

Don 1962
on 8/17/20 3:10 am

So far so good that you and your Mrs. have not developed symptoms. It's a wonky assed little virus when it comes to who gets it and the severity of the symptoms when they do.

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