Sunday Weigh in
Last Week 192.2
This week 185.0
Trying to get back in the swing of things. Between a breakdown and some brutally cold weather it was a challenging week. Had an employee meeting at the warehouse so had to make the trip 6 times this week. Glad my regain team seems to have ceased. Hope all are having a great weekend.

217.0 Last Week
219.1 Today
Not what I wanted, but was expecting it. With the cold blast there was some mindless eating out of boredom. Then last night a party at a friends house. I ate way too much without realizing it. So I paid the price this morning.
Cooking up some cabbage soup right now, it will be a healthy in between meal snack.
Good week to all
on 11/17/19 7:22 pm
+2lbs from last week.
I've been up and down in about a 7 pound range week to week but generally stabilize back to normal when I get enough sleep and follow a normal routine.
I'm still trying to get a business off the ground which seems close. I'm at a point where my prior severence package last year and a couple of months of past consulting fees are used up, so hopefully I get my new business funded soon.
In the meantime, the JETS won 2 games in a row, and still waiting for James Dolan to die so the Knicks can move on.
Have a great week!
LW 217.6
CW 215.4
Had a trip to the emergency room this week. Shooting pain in my abdomen and back. During the 5 and 1/2 hour wait to be seen it resolved itself. The actual emergency room had a bed but listening to the other patients scream and moan was like one of Dante's levels of hell. To medical students spent 45 minutes looking for my left kidney with the ultrasound machine.
Baylor's loss last night was crushing.
Have a great week guys! Looking forward to some time off at Thanksgiving!

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4
Last week: 188.0
This week: 186.2
I guess losing almost two pounds is the positive side of having a good case of the "drizzlies" while on the road this weekend. Going to blame that on too much fried food on trip. Hopefully "normal" eating will solidify things.
M-State lost but was not a total surprise. Alabama quarterback had his feet crossed when he got tackled resulting in a serious, gruesome broken hip. Flew him to Birmingham on a helicopter but also saw where he was flown from there to Houston for surgery. Skipping game this weekend against ACU but will be there for the Egg Bowl with Ol' Miss on Thanksgiving Day. Cowboys held on to beat Detroit.
Back to reality this morning.
Have a Great Week, Guys!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Bad break for Roll Tide QB. Heard he cannot really be diagnosed for the draft until at least 6 months? A 10-15% possibility that he can not play in the NFL, and regardless he will drop in the draft. The good thing is that they got him operated on almost immediately. But a Dr on the WFAN Radio show said he cannot play for at least a year?
Last Week 246.7
This week 249.5
No good. Trending in the wrong way! Challenging week! Got off of I.F. and ate like a bandit! Amazing how this time of year pushes our body to just want to eat! But I'm not going to make excuses I am what I am-just gotta do better. It's not even that I merely ate a large quantity, but man oh man did I eat the wrong foods!!! Ice cream, cookies, cake, sandwiches, chips, bagels, a LOT of carbs!! It's almost like I WANTED to sabotage myself and all this while watching 600 lbs life! Going to gym today with my son. Journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step but I should have started this yesterday. Don't want to get back to that old habit of only being able to start things on a Monday?! But at least we now are taking accountability-need some motivation guys!
So true. Goes to show that this is NOT the "easy way out" as many say. It's a tool that helps us and gave us a boost but man do we have to work the program! It really is a struggle about choices not only every day-but every meal! Our stomach may have changed but our old mindset is still here! Some days we win, some days we lose-just gotta hope we have more wins than losses!