Apollo 11 Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 7/21/19 8:10 am

Image result for apollo 11

Last week: 187.4

This week: 186.6

I'll take it! Protein bars have once again become my new favorite lunch food. Good week movement/excercise wise.

New roof on house and a new satellite dish to replace the one roofer's broke done this week. Ran a roller magnet over the yard and up and down the driveway several times trying to get up all nails they missed and must have gotten all they missed. Mowed yard yesterday with out impaling myself or a tire. Can ever get new storm door here and find what I need to fix the fart fan then other than power washing caught up on crib.

Have a Great Week, gentlemen!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 7/21/19 8:50 am
VSG on 11/28/16

210.5 Last Week
211.8 Today

I'll take the hit. Went to a pig roast yesterday. Salty, smokey, delicious. Too hot for yardwork, maybe some today.

Speaking of Apollo, below is a shot of me (before WLS) where Apollo 1 burned in the fire at Kennedy. My dad worked on part of the Apollo program in Cleveland. Me, I kind of followed in his footsteps, working on Shuttle experiments and now ISS.

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 7/21/19 9:57 am

Space flight in the early days, even now, is such a risky, risky prospect. Still have a VHS copy of "The Right Stuff" tucked away in a tub somewhere.

(deactivated member)
on 7/21/19 10:48 am

I'm surprised that's pre wls. You seem mostly normal with a little extra weight in the photo.

on 7/22/19 9:40 am
VSG on 11/28/16

That was about 15 years ago when I was just obese. It took another 10 for morbidly obese to happen.

(deactivated member)
on 7/21/19 10:55 am

I remember the Apollo 11 landing really well. I was eight and spending the Summer at a lakeside bungalow in the backwoods of upstate NJ. The TV was a small black/white set with maybe 3 or 4 channels and they were all broadcasting Apollo 11. That was the Summer I learned to feel guilty about torturing frogs and started overeating rice pudding.

This week has been great on exercise and terrible on overeating. If not for WLS, I'd be 350lbs. Eventually I'll learn to eat better but it takes me time (years) for the message to translate.

on 7/21/19 12:24 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 208.4

This week 206.8

Still chipping away at it. New shorts came in and overall they work well. cleaned out my underwear drawer and found three pairs of boxers and a pair of shorts that missed the purge. Amazing how large 2xl looks now.

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