Super Bowl Weigh In

Don 1962
on 2/3/19 7:59 am

Image result for super bowl 2019

Last week: 184.4

This week: 184.8

Spent part of the day yesterday doing yard work crap. To wit spreading granular weed pre emerge and trimming low hanging tree limbs. Shoulders feeling it.

As to the game itself - damn sure not the Rams since they beat the Cowboys and Saints under controversial cir****tances. I'll assert my Fifth amendment privilege to remain silent on the outcome.

Have a Great Week, Guys!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 2/3/19 9:16 am
VSG on 11/28/16

211.4 Last Week
212.4 Today

Had a good week back at work.

Today heading to a Superbowl party. The hostess is a chef, so I'm sure there will be plenty of non-bariatric friendly things to eat there. I'm making some venison chili with jalepeno.

Good week to all!

on 2/3/19 11:44 am
DS on 12/18/18


Last week 270.8
This week 264.8
Hope everyone is enjoying the game between the Cheaters and the Ingrates. I'll be working so I'll have to rely on second hand accounts.
My clothes are starting to get too big. I had a stash of jeans I "outgrew" when I had my last big gain so I'm okay on pants for now. At some point I'm going to have to break down and buy some shirts. I have some cheapies in the cart at Amazon. I should have been trawling Clearance racks for the last few months but some part of my doubted I'd really lose that much (I've bought clothes in anticipation of weight loss before only to wind up giving them away unused after a year or two).
Don 1962
on 2/3/19 5:43 pm

Thrift stores and consignment shops can be your best clothes shopping, socks and skivvies excluded, places while losing rapidly. Secondly, if you are attending support meetings in person, or your Dr. office can turn you on to one, they may have clothing swaps you can check into.

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/19 6:38 pm
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/19 6:40 pm
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