Memorial Day Weekend Weigh In
337.6: High weight Dec '13
311.3: Surgery day 1/16/14
191.8: 1st Surgiversary
199.2: 2nd Surgiversary
201.6: 3rd Surgiversary
215.0: 4th Surgiversary
216.8 Last Weigh in
214.8: CW
Food: C
Water: B
Vitamins: B
Exercise: A
Please take some time this weekend to remember all those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we seem to take for granted every day.
I wish I could chalk my weight loss to clean living, but frankly I have no idea why I dropped two pounds. I was able to bike about 55 miles, and take a couple spin classes, but I doubt that would have countered my eating. I'm not looking a gifthorse in the mouth. Here's to another good week.
We skipped spring this year. A month and a half ago, we had a foot of new snow, and three weeks ago the lakes were still frozen. This weekend, we are well over 90 degrees, and tomorrow we are looking at the hottest memorial day in 50 years with heat index of 100 degrees or more. It makes outdoor activities a little unsafe. If you're in a hot area, make sure you're staying hydrated.
Have a happy and safe weekend.
Last week: 187.8
This week: 186.6
I'll take it! Wonky schedule has it benefits. Next two weeks have straight evenings so no back and forth. Given the new guy to finish since we have to get him out on his own. We lost another one to a larger department. In a six man operation when one goes it causes issues. When you're two down - you have ISSUES! Guy that is leaving is on a well planned in advance Alaskan cruise with his Mrs. Leaves working for us. Comes back working for them!
Headed to triple digits here by next weekend. Felt like triple digits yesterday walking around the local car show. When you feel the sweat running down your legs under your pants and the waist band on pants is soaked - you're hot.
Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for YOUR freedom!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Hi All.
I thought i posted last week, but i created a blog entry instead. Fortunately, it didn't end up on the bottom of the home page. I am still not certain I am doing this correctly.
I am going to have RNY sometime in late summer. For now I am going through my six month pre-op program and trying to develop good habits.
Last Week 311.8
This Week 309.4
I'm in the same boat as you......In month 3 of my pre-op weight loss program. Welcome aboard. Looking at VSG in the fall (October/November).I've lost 33 lbs. since February. I find posting my weight here is very motivating to me.

Start of 6 month pre-op diet (2/14): 320 lbs.
5/20: 291 lbs
5/29: 287 lbs
Food: C- Family was in town and wanted to eat out every meal. They also wanted to visit breweries. Bad combination but I stayed strong at most meals
Water: B ( or A , if you coun****ered down lite beer.....LOL)
Vitamins: B - Ned to get supplemental vitamin D
Exercise: C Only made it to the gym twice, but I got a lot of steps in most days.