Sunday 3/18 Weigh In
on 3/18/18 6:11 am
Okay, since I am out of the rack early, I will kick this off. Last week was a typical week for me with lots of driving, lots of sitting at a desk sorting papers, and lots of dealing with intransigent, incompetent, officious people. Exercise has been sorely lacking with the repeated snowstorms piling the stuff up over and over again. But I am pretty much holding my weight where it has been for the last little while.
Last week 263 1/2 lbs
This week 264 1/4 lbs
i hope you all had a good week, and the next one promising even better!
Last week: 189.0
This week: 188.2
Keeps flip flopping from week before!
In 20+ years I have taken all kinds of people to jail in all variations, conditions and configurations. Till Monday I had never taken anyone in a wheel chair! Parole warrants are parole warrants. You cannot, not confirm and not go on one of those. He was already in a nursing home so they drove him in their van. I just had to do the paperwork. Fortunately the Corporal at the booking desk is a friend of mine, the coolest Detention Services Lieutenant was running the jail that shift and the nursing home RN spoke to the Jail RN about his medical conditions so it went better than I expected.
Downer told my Sgt type person to order me new pants in........36's. Could have gotten by in 34's but too short in the seat and would have the pulled pocket look indicating I was wearing them too tight.
Go forth and have a Great Week!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Hi guys...Been gone for awhile. I get so frustrated with my weight gain...Don't even want to post. I got up to 205 over the weeks. Very little exercise (cold/rain), but still eating the same junk. I do eat pretty good, but along with the good stuff comes the chocolate, chips, fried foods, cakes.
I am down to 201.5...I'll take that any day!!
Became a grandpa yesterday...First kid. Daughter and granddaughter are doing fine. Getting their house ready to come back home. I'm not great at nurturing...Most guys aren't. But I can't wait till the kid has a personality...Then I (and many guys) shine.
I am sleeping better. This does help with my weigh loss. If I don't sleep well, I will grab the junk (to keep that blood sugar level up)...Which as you know, becomes a bad cycle. You keep grabbing for the junk and not the fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, protein, and your blood sugar level is all over the place.
Well take care. Hope to post more. Just understand if I don't, it's nothing personal about you...Just sort of my way of coping. Brian
on 3/20/18 3:51 pm
Brian, congratulations on the grandchild! We have six so far. What can I say? Our daughters are nothing if not prolific.
Second. The temptation is there for all of us. I love sweets. I love carbs. I avoid them by not having them in the house. When I am in the store, I just have to steel up my nerve and stroll right by. You can do it. You only have to do it one day at a time. Hell, you only have to do it for a few minutes at a time to get past the temptation.
Congrats on the granddaughter!!

HW: 375lb
CW: 292.5lb
Referral: July 16/17. Orientation: October 21/17. Group Nutrition Class: January 5/18. First Nurse apt: February 5/18. Blood-work: February 8/18. ECG: February 12/18. Nutritionist: February 27/18. Scope: March 2/18. Social Worker: March 6/18. Internist: April 23/18, Re-Scheduled to May 15/18. Meet The Surgeon: June 11/18
Mind if I jump in on this? I'm in week 2 of my 6-month pre-op weight management program and this may help keep me motivated. Started a low carb/high protein diet about 3 weeks ago and limited my calorie intake to 1800. I know that high, but I'm just starting and still 6 months pre-op. Also making sure I get 150 minutes of exercise in a week.
Starting Weight (2/14/18): 321
Last week (3/12) : 315.5 lbs
Yesterday (3/20) : 309 lbs
on 3/21/18 1:56 pm
Welcome to the weigh in group! I was able to drop 67 lbs in the pre-op program. It sounds like you are off to a good start. The more you lose before surgery, the easier your recovery should be (or so they told me). Losing well beforehand also aids you for long term loss as you set up new eating habits.