Sunday Weigh In
Last week: 188.0
This week: 187.4
Now that football is over have to find something to keep up with. Normally don't give a rat's hairy hiney for basketball in general, too slow, too short and could not shoot, but the Lady Bulldogs are having a Hell of a season! 25-0 going into today's game with Kentucky. So far it does not look good for Kentucky.
Cold here today with some "wintry mix" thrown in for good measure. Near 70 for Valentine's Day. Don't forget the honey! Proud of mine. Did a lot of sorting last couple of weekends and we took a car full to Goodwill yesterday. Almost have living room cleared out. Will not push about the office and extra bedroom if we can get the living room and dining area in order.
Have a Great Week!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
on 2/11/18 12:33 pm
I was 266 last week, 265.5 this week. It looks like I'm in another holding pattern for now. I'll take it. There is still a lot of scrambling to try and keep things going. Two snow/ice storms in quick succession did not help. I need to keep their property cleared and looking lived in as well as our own. The distance is about 70 miles between the two, so I am logging lots of miles, and eating lots of jerky and protein bars (still). But things are starting to come together slowly, and I am starting to see some results.
Last Week-240
Not what I was hoping for..attended wake and funeral for my wife's grandmother as she passed at 108! Family=Food Oh well start again today!
Eat Mindfully
Exercise Regularly
Drink Water Frequently
Take Vitamins as necessary
Have a happy healthy week

Yours in WLS Journey,
Bill Mac
Happy Sunday
Cleaned the house, visited the parents, ready to watch some Olympics. No football on Sunday's is like getting an extra vacation day every week - at least for 207 more days according to FB.
312.8 this week
313.2 last week
+0.6. I can live with that given the Superbowl and likely being dehydrated last week due to the flu.
Have a great week guys!
Starting my second week in Tampa after working through the weekend here. Tough to control food, but doing my best to eat mindfully and leave food on my plate. I start with the protein, then go to the veggies, and I treat myself to a few bites of bread/potato whatever.
Even though there is a ton of sitting on this project, I got to the gym for times last week for spin classes. I should get three in this week before a mini vacation to celebrate the end of wave 2 of my project. I get a week at home, then back to Tampa till mid may.
On another note, I found out who I work for. I'm moving out of operations and into sales/marketing. It means travel will be a part of my life till the end of time.
No weigh in this week or next.
Take care everyone
198.3 Last week
202.1 Sunday
Food: D
Water: C
Vitamins: A
Exercise: F
Been in a lot of pain lately and was diagnosed with Sciatica. Got put on prednisone, which I am wondering if that has helped with the weight increase. I do know I need to track daily and stop the damn night eating. The old habits are rearing their ugly heads.
Saturday was the Cleveland Kurentavanje. Kind of like Carnival. Lots of good ethnic food and drink. I was under 200 that morning, I do think the salty food and drink all day contributed to the gain also. I think mindfulness and the Lenten season will be beneficial for me.
See you next week!
on 2/12/18 2:36 pm
Prednisone. Steroids on steroids. That'll cause a weight gain.
I drink lots of decaf coffee. It helps with hydration and staves off hunger pangs all at the same time.