Sunday Weigh In
337.6: High weight Dec '13
311.3: Surgery day 1/16/14
191.8: 1st Surgiversary
199.2: 2nd Surgiversary
201.6: 3rd Surgiversary
215.0: 4th Surgiversary
214.0 Last Weigh in
215.0: CW
Food: C
Water: C
Vitamins: B
Exercise: B+
Stress......Lots of it these past few weeks. Reading the posts from last week, this seems to be some bad times for a bunch of us. @LittleBillJr - I can't even begin to understand what you're going through, and I hope and pray for your well being through these times.
As for me, my stress is more a sum of whats going on in my life: Dying parent, and I can't be there for either her or my dad and my family who's there every day; Insane travel, and getting worse the next few weeks; Upset wife about the insane travel; and now a new job when this project is over.
I guess there is some good news in that I am getting a pseudo promotion this week. The bad news is that I have no idea what this new job is going to entail and what's going to be expected of me. I'm heading to the marketing department as my company tries to reinvent itself. As an engineer, I tend to think more black and white. I think I'll be living in a grey world going forward. Its called a promotion because its a higher job class then my current one, however no change in pay.
Looking over the past four years, I'm not happy about my trend in weight gain. I had a little epiphany the other day when I realized that while I need to lose a few pounds, I don't need to do it overnight. Its OK, and probably more healthy, if I lose a pound a month for a year or so. So that's my goal in 2018. Lose a pound or so a month. Its going to be tough with all the travel, but I believe its possible.
Have a great week everyone.
Last Week-243
My weight has been scaling up for the past year. This week I got back to basics and lost 4 lbs. I was pleased but need to continue to do these things. More than the number on the scale I feel healthier! Still I need to continue to do the folllowing:
Eat Mindfully
Exercise Regularly
Drink Water Frequently
Take Vitamins as necessary
Have a happy healthy week

Yours in WLS Journey,
Bill Mac
on 1/28/18 9:13 am
Thanks, John. Yeah, the stress has been terrific. But I am holding up. This whole event has been a life changer. I just got promoted to head of the family and guardian of my mother's well being.
I am back home for a couple of days. I managed to catch a vicious cold, and I don't want to give it to Mom, so I told her I would be resting up and then getting back with her in a few days to continue on with all that needs to be done. She's got some great people looking after her, so I can relax on that score.
I weighed 271 1/2 lbs this morning. I hit a low of 270 during the week last week, but I think it was anomalous. I discovered I was very dehydrated right about the same time, what with all the running around, disrupted schedule, etc. I've been eating stuff not really good for me, but mainly because that was all that was available. Now that I am home again, it is actually a relief to get back to my regular eating pattern and food choices.
Given that my last two "official" weigh ins have been 272 lbs, I can't really complain. The fluctuation in my weight is less than 1%. And I will say, being that dehydrated is NOT a good feeling. Lots of water and decaf coffee fixed me right up though.
High weight 481
Current weight 272
Goal weight 300
320.2 to 316.0
-4.2 Feel good, not surprised, stayed on point Tue - Saturday with a diet of high protein, ~1,000 calories, and water or coffee only.
Sometimes we see what we look for, but yes, I'm seeing lots of stress. Testy customers, sick colleagues, busy friends and family.
Going to try to get some chores done today to help get in some activity and feel more organized/accomplished.
Have a great week!
Last week: 186.4
This week: 187.0
Day late, Monday, and several dollars short.
Stress is common factor this week. Already have four reports to write when I get to office. Friday was a sum*****! Nothing like trying to run somebody's ID and get a reject message saying my certification to do so had expired. Unlike your driver's license no reminders that the certification(s) are no bueno. Got it worked out with Austin and have to retake an on-line test I failed Friday. Got past the other two but this one.
Did put my "baby girl" down last Monday. Was not getting any better and suspect she had a second stroke. Seventeen years with a peaceful end was a Hell of a run for a dog.
Nice gathering in Waco for a former member of the Texas OH board. She had died late last year so a lot of the former Texas board folks met in Waco for a memorial service, hang out, and get caught up. Regain is REAL!
Got to make like a banana and split!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
on 1/30/18 5:04 am
I am sorry to read about your dog. That is always a very hard thing for me. It is even harder when it is my dog.
I bawled like a baby. Got sympathy card in mail yesterday from vet clinic. Called them today to thank them and see if she had returned from being cremated. Likely to have another round when I bring her home. When my Dad died there was some bawling and squalling but I was more pissed about him being taken like he was. Can laugh about it some now but if the trees at the cemetery and around my house could talk......I'd need an attorney!
on 1/29/18 1:32 pm
216: High weight Nov '17
194: Low weight Jan '18
195: CW No surgery 29/Jan/'18
Food: C
Water: A
Excercise: D
I know what you mean John. It's hard to lose weight when there's so much stress, in ones life. I hope everything works out in the end. What is your goal weight exactly?