Sunday Weigh In
Qajohn, just a reminder, there is a part for your bike you can buy. I have the FX 7.3...I wanted the handlebars to stand a little higher. For about $50. (a lot in my mind), there is a part that can raise the handlebars about 1 inch. I know 1 inch isn't much...And if you want to ride competitive, you'll want to lean forward more. I have a bad back, so I chose that extra inch. Also changed seats...Got a more comfortable one. It has a empty space in the middle to help with urology...More bike seats have that in mind. Enjoy the ride!!
My OCD is taking over a little bit with the bike, and the weather has been such that I have not even taken it out yet. My next purchase will be a chamois for comfort. Additionally, I've researched the heck out of local bike trails and routes. I also have a friend interested in biking this summer.
Once I've got some miles under my belt, I agree that there are mods I can make. One I am thinking of already is switching from the 32mm tire to a bit wider, and tubeless tire with liquid latex in it to prevent air leakage. That will also smooth out the ride a little bit. Contact points with the seat are very important for comfort, and I can easily see that would be a good thing to research.