Hey guys! New to the group.
I just want to send a quick "hello" to the other guys on here. I'm new to the WLS idea, but after doing a good bit of research and discussion with friend's who've had it, and at least one doctor, I've decided to move forward with the Vertical Sleeve procedure.
I'm 37 years old and have been overweight most of my life. Like many of you, I've tried every diet out there, and then some. My weight has slowly crept up and now I'm at my heaviest - around 375 pounds. I'm 6'2" with a broad build, so when I tell someone (very few actually) how much I weight, they never can believe it - but it's true. My scale, mirror, and size 52 pants (thank you expandable waists) don't lie.
I've finally reached a point where I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of shopping online for clothes. I'm tired of worrying if I'll fit in a chair - or God forbid, if it will hold me. I'm tired of traveling and carrying a seatbelt extender on a plane (I bought one) and praying that I get a skinny person next to me (or no one at all, please). I'm tired of getting winded climbing stairs, not participating in outdoor activities, and being lethargic.
I met with one local surgeon, the go-to-guy around here, a few weeks ago. He's supposedly the best, but he wasn't very personable or likable. He started talking politics and asked me who I was voting for. I casually avoided the question because before I could answer, he was talking all pro-Trump and how everyone else will destroy the country. Don't get me wrong, you can vote for whomever you want, but don't talk to me about it in an exam room when we're discussing my life-changing procedure.
A week later I ran into a friend at work who was noticeably thinner and I asked "What did you do??". He grinned slyly and said, "I had a little procedure." Then he told me that he had VSG in January 2016 and has no regrets whatsoever. He told me who his doctor is and it's the same doctor two other friends have told me about. This new doctor has a considerably better bedside manner and my friends rave about him. So, I have an appointment scheduled with that doctor on March 30.
Admittedly, I'm anxious and scared. I've never had any kind of surgery before. My dad died a year and half ago while having a routine procedure done (heart cath) and I get sweaty palms just walking into a hospital now. I know it's a rarity for bad things to happen, but I do think about it. The other funny thing I worry about (and those of you who've had it done, tell me) is the thought of a catheter in me. It may sound crazy, but that scares me more than anything else. Go figure.
Anyhow, I'll stop rambling now. I look forward to getting to know some of you, reading and replying, and getting your input, feedback, and advice. At this point, I'm 2-3 months into my 6 month required observation period before insurance will approve the procedure, so I hope to have the VSG in July-ish.
Thanks, all.
Welcome man. Am looking into VSG as well, but am self pay. Did an infosession with a surgeon, had an appointment last week with his PA and Tuesday coming up a consult with the surgeon himself...
I'm with you on the surgery stuff... In fact, I found this website after my brother died in 2001 from having an Open RNY (few days later, heart attack but not sure why, I never asked my dad to help him not relive those emotions).
If you do get surgery, ask about getting something to lower your nerves the day of. I did that for my shoulder surgery so I was a little more calm than I would have been when I got there... once they gave me another injection, I was happy as a clam lol
+1 for catheter. The thought of someone handling my junk while I'm knocked out is just weird...
Had to have 5 liters via IV in 2013 when I got dehydrated with a mild case of the flu and it aggravated my arrhythmia causing the heart farts to kick in. Two days in the hospital and after getting hydrated the heart farts settled back down to sinus rhythm. To measure the output of my kidneys etc I had to have a catheter in "Mr. Happy". Initially it was uncomfortable but once I got used to it, and admittedly had gotten to feeling much better, I was joking with the nurses and techs that if I had known how convenient a catheter was I wished I could have had one back in my beer drinking days. Never would have had to get up and go to the john!
Note: I have not had an alcoholic beverage in 25+ years. Learned the hard way that me and alcohol have no business mixing. Permanent DD.
My best advise to both of you guys post op is in my siggy line!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Welcome!! A few thoughts. I've been in the cath lab about 4-5 times. I would rather have WLS that go in there. I've had two heart attacks...30 years of being obese effects your heart and kidneys. It's the build up of so many years. Because of your body frame, age, and height I think the VSG is the way to go. I wouldn't totally reject the first surgeon if you "had" to go back to him...Not a good idea to talk politics in the medical office. But, I would rather have a "good surgeon" (with a steady hand) who has a fair/poor bedside manner. The cutting is the most important thing. Most surgeons will pass you off to his/her PA (physician's assistant) or your primary care physician. They just don't have a lot of time for hand holding...Let them do what they do best (cutting)...and try to look past the personality if you have to...Thinking of "MASH". Good luck on your journey...Ask tons of questions. We are here for support. The VSG board would be good too. Try and make it to a local support group if you can...Before and after surgery...You can ask tough questions there also. Later, Brian
Thanks for the input, everyone. I posted in the VSG group, too. Most of the comments I've gotten have been, with everything going on, the catheter is the last thing you'll be thinking about. I'm getting less and less anxious. I'm looking forward to meeting with the new doctor on the 30th and then I'll make my decision of who's going to do the cutting. I've heard really good things about the "nice" doctor too, and from what I can read on their websites, they're both accredited bariatric centers, etc. so I think skill and the facilities are both up to par.
I admittedly get excited when I read stories of people a year out of surgery who are doing 5K's, going on vacations, hiking, etc. Those are things I want to do - without worrying, being winded, or fitting.
Again, thanks for the support and keep those stories coming.
Hey Terry,
i'm four months out from VSG and i do have one big regret. I hate that i waited until i was 54 to do it. Go for it and don't look back. so extriemly freaking happy with it so far. I had to self pay so I went to Tijuana so I could afford for my wife and I to both get it done the same time.
Study a bunch, read all you can, and i got plum hooked on all the you tube videos. Didn't want any suprises. i really believe mine went so smooth because i went to the extreme with the pre-op liquid diet. doc said to start 10 days pre-op, but I started about 6 weeks and had lost over 50 pounds before surgery.
Didn't get a cath at all. As soon as i woke up, they asked if I needed to go. I said yea and she showed me the door.
Good luck. It's a good ride.
Greg L.

HW 9-11-15, 354
SW 11-23-15, 305
Used Fernando Garcia at Tijuana Bariatric. Kind of funny how it worked out. I had decided to use the guy with the ad at the bottom of this page because his youtube channel was really good and informative. contacted them, sent them all the stuff, EKG's and things and was approved. Had a long heart to heart with my wife and we decided it would be easier if we did it together.
Went back to square one with a limited budget. I talked to my sister who has a friend who had gone to Tijuana. The lady had nothing but praise for her experience. Well, she sent me a link to the wrong Dr. Not the one she used. After studying up on the doctor on the wrong link, I liked what I saw and the little voice said to go with them. Extra glad I did.
The van that picked us up delivered people to different little hospitals. This is big business down there. The first lady got dropped off at one I had read a lot of bad stuff about. When we pulled up and stopped at it I had a real "Oh crap" moment. When we drove to our hospital, CER, it was just as nice as advertised. Clean as anywhere I've ever been. Overall, much happier than I really expected to be.
The only negative part of the whole thing was American Airlines. Wanted to use anybody else, but they were the only ones that had flights out of San Diego on thanksgiving day. First flight on the way was canceled and by the time we got to San Diego, It was too late for the van to get us. After that trying experience of a fourteen hour day in and out of airports while on a clear liquid diet, it really did get better.
They have a nutritionist who post constantly on Facebook who will answer any question you may have after you get home. She's been helpful.
Sorry to ramble. I highly recommend Dr. Fernando Garcia. All I know is my own experience, and I would recommend him to anybody considering doing it.
Good luck.

HW 9-11-15, 354
SW 11-23-15, 305
Hey good luck with your process. I know I went through a similar journey until I finally went through with it. I went with a different procedure but the anxiety was the same. Fortunately my surgery was very smooth and really no problems. I firmly believe you have to like your surgeon. I met several on my way that I just could not go forward with. Thanks for sharing your journey.