Severe adventurism!

on 8/9/15 10:35 am

Whats up fellas?

What a ride huh?

I dont know if any or all of you guys are experiencing a strong desire to roll back the clock, and do some of those things that you

enjoyed doing "back in the day" , or just always wanted to do.

I think I am more adventurous than ever before, braver, more brazen, almost fearless. Borderline crazy even. lol

Im just not happy watching anymore, and feel the need to JUST DO IT.

A couple of months ago, I started riding dirtbikes again after a 10 year hiatus due to health issues.

Without thinking too much about my age (54),  I let instinct take over and found out I am an adrenalin junkie now! I dont remember getting

such an extreme "rush" before. Something about throwing caution to wind appeals to me more now. I wanna climb a rock, bungee jump, skydive even. lol

Is this new self distructive behavior normal? Am I making up for lost time or what?

I think, because Ive conquered the weight and nutrition issues Ive had all my life, that I can do ANYTHING!

Anybody else goin through this?

Who knew life begins at 54?

Im gonna race in a 200 mile enduro run in Parker Arizona in September. I wouldn't have even considered such an endeavor a year and 185 lbs ago.

Help me ease my mind. Tell me Im not the only one thriving on adrenalin. Is this my new addiction? Or just a phase?

And, What "Gets you off"?


I love my sleeve!





Don 1962
on 8/9/15 3:25 pm

Congrats on getting back on the dirt bike after your WLS!

Bungee jumping and sky diving are off the table for me.  Zip lining - done that.  Like to do it again.  Was old enough to be the father of the other nine people in the group, 52 at the time, and had to do a couple of rope bridge type adventures before getting to the zip lines themselves.  Was commented to that I was not doing bad for an "old man".  It really took them for loop when I said I was not doing too bad for an old guy who used to weigh 331 pounds!



on 8/9/15 6:18 pm - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

I don't know about severe adventurism, but I am very much more open to new things these days. When I was on vacation in April, I wanted to get some excersize, and we were in the mountains in North Carolina, so I went on a 6 mile hike on my own. I would have never given that 1 second's thought years ago. 

I don't see myself doing ultra marathons, Iron Man Triathalons or anything like that. But on a day to day basis, I'm definitly doing more stuff. 


on 8/10/15 10:57 am - OH

Not sure if I would want to skydive but completely understand your state of mind.  Couldn't fit behind the wheel of my old Impala. I have always owned a Harley.  Had to give them up 20 years ago because of my weight.  Ready to get one now.  I see an Electra Glide or a Tri-Glide in my very near future.  My Impala fits like a glove now.  I didn't realize how much I was missing in life....ready to experience anything!  Good luck to you!

on 8/13/15 11:45 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

I just started my journey and am planning to do all sorts of stuff as the weight melts away. 





on 8/16/15 2:07 pm, edited 8/16/15 2:10 pm

After you start losing a few more pounds it really gets interesting (messing with your head).  You will start gaining more confidence.  You will walk taller.  Women (who wouldn't give you the time of day) make it a point to say hello.  You make eye contact more.  It's like "where were you when I was heavy...I'm still the same person inside".  You get treated different, better, in business situations.  No it's not fair, but that is how society is.  So, just saying the mental side is harder than the physical side of weight loss surgery.  You really need to be grounded or it can throw you for a loop.  When I had my surgery I thought for sure I would go back to the sports (exercise) I did pre op.  So I went back to golf, tennis, racquetball, basketball, swimming.  A problem arose.  I have a bad back.  So all the exercises I thought I would do, I couldn't without killing my back.  Concerning swimming...Fat floats!!  Take away the fat and you have to force your body through the water.  Also I get very cold real easy...Very common with WLS.  So now (because of my age...Turning 60 in less than a month) I have chosen the bicycle.  I love it and ride about 5-6 days a week.  I also do walking if I can't bike. 

Try and know your limits on the exercise...Yeah, you feel like a kid in a candy store with a wad of $20...What do I go for next??  Soon you'll find your comfort zone in exercise and adventure.  Also a few pulled muscles will let you know you're not a kid again. 

One warning on transfer addiction.  This gets brought up at the support groups a lot.  You've taken away your eating addiction (for the time).  Many people will replace one addiction for another.  Some it's alcohol, others it sex,  AND...Some get an exercise addiction.  This one is more socially acceptable.  Just be aware that it could occur.  Nothing wrong with taking on the world and excelling at new (or old stuff).  Just eyes wide open...Enjoy the ride!!  Brian 

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