
David F.
on 1/10/15 8:22 am - Henderson, NV

I am hoping to get my surgery in a month or two but I had some questions about Alcohol...I live in Las Vegas and obviously alcohol is served everywhere! I can drink my fair share and then some right now...I was wondering how it affects you after surgery? I know the stomach can only handle a certain amount but does the alcohol effect you differently after?


Surgery: Feb 9, 2015   HW: 517SW: 467



on 1/10/15 9:16 am - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

I think that depends on your surgery. For starters I would recomend, and I think most others would agree, no alcohol is good alcohol. It has 7cal/gm and no nutritional value. Its a great way to either stop your weight loss, or regain weight. 

If you have an RnY, the rearrangment of your guts casues the alcohol to be absorbed very quickly. I wanted some wine at thanksgiving. I allowed myself about 4 oz, and it hit me like a 2X4 across the face. I learned quickly, that IF I decide to have wine, it would be at home. And IF I decide to have wine, it will be only on special occasions and only 1 glass. I also decided that beer (due to the carbonization) and liquor (due to the high alcohol content) are off the table for me. 

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, many people can fall prey to transfer addiction. Without too much surfing through these forums, you can find many stories of people who have become full fledged alcoholics after surgery. Please, please please be careful.

Good luck with your decision making process!!


David F.
on 1/10/15 10:21 am - Henderson, NV

thank you very much for that information!


Surgery: Feb 9, 2015   HW: 517SW: 467



Don 1962
on 1/10/15 9:47 am

Have not been to Vegas in at least five years.  DW and I talking about it today running around.  If she gets school nurse job she interviewed for this week she'll have this Summer off.  May need to start letting my fingers dance on the laptop and start planning a trip.

John brought up a lot of good points in response to your question about alcohol post op.

Only thing I will add is that when your body is in ketosis, the rapid weight loss phase, your poor ass old liver is doing double, triple, over time metabolizing all the crap pouring into it that had been stored in your fat.  Give it six months to a year before you take your first drink post op and give your liver time to rest.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

David F.
on 1/10/15 10:22 am - Henderson, NV

Thank you! I just haven't seen anyone post about it and it's not like I drink all the time but I do like a drink now and then. Also I am looking at it as a saver! lol


Surgery: Feb 9, 2015   HW: 517SW: 467



Don 1962
on 1/10/15 10:27 am

Dave - ain't you ever heard that since we don't eat a lot and can get drunk on one drink, or less, WLS patients are really, real cheap dates!!  

David F.
on 1/10/15 10:28 am - Henderson, NV

Gonna have to find me a woman who had the surgery then!


Surgery: Feb 9, 2015   HW: 517SW: 467



Don 1962
on 1/10/15 11:19 am

BTDT.  The ball can bounce both ways.  With one exception every relationship I've had since 2008 has been with a WLS female.  1st wife, 2nd wife, and several lady friends.  The one who was not a WLS patient was a light eater and we split meals on regular basis as if she was a WLS patient.  With the exception of a butterflied Queen's filet meal from Outback my 2nd wife, who is an RNY and I don't split meals.  Her taste and mine just don't run the same.  She eats pizza and I don't.  I can't do Mexican food seven days a week.  She can.  Being a native coonass I love seafood.  She doesn't touch it unless it is battered and fried.  On occasion we have managed to find a "combo" type meal and managed to split it but not too often. 

As a sidebar, you'll hear about it in support groups, if you go, and you'll read it here the surgeries work on our stomachs not our heads.  If any thing it messes those things up!  You'll learn that for dates, family or work events, parties, reunions etc. you have to develop some survival skills to make it through without feeling uncomfortable in your steadily sagging skin.  It's just a hell of a ride to take.

David F.
on 1/10/15 11:22 am - Henderson, NV

Thanks, I was on this site years ago and it was popping! now I look and it seems

Not sure where everyone is? do you have any suggestions as to what groups are active?


Surgery: Feb 9, 2015   HW: 517SW: 467



Don 1962
on 1/10/15 11:44 am

The rise of Facebook took a lot of folks off of OH.  Also when some of the ladies more personal pictures from the Sex board began showing up in places other than here without their knowledge or consent that killed that board.  Surgery boards are still active.  We've had a noticeable up tick in activity on this board recently too.  Activity levels tend to cycle.  Have not seen a good "surgery war" on here in quite a while.  Mods tend to shut those down pretty quick now.  Speaking of shutting down....

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