Christmas Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 12/20/14 10:40 pm

Last week:  175.4

This week:  175.2

Still over the red line by a skosh but can live with it and keep working at getting back under. 

Lots going on in the world and not sure what to comment on. 

Cowboys and Colts this afternoon so can get on treadmill while the game is on after coffee run and paying bills. 

Blue Lives Matter.  Seems as of late it is "open season" on those of us in law enforcement.  My little Podunk PD has been ahead of the curve on body cams.  Video make cases and keeps the BS claims in check. 

Sony caved.

Weird work week.  After two weeks caught my forgery suspect and got him in the clink.  He also had a Parole Revocation.  His mother is our City Secretary.  "Not your fault my son is an asshole."   We're still good.  She'll like her present at office party tomorrow.  Flavored tequila.  I'm regifting it from wife's clinic party since I don't drink at all and DW only does wine.

We'll do Christmas on Christmas Eve at my Mother's and DW's kids and grandkids will be here to do the rest after New Years.  We'll need a couple of weeks to get all the gifts wrapped and get on the shipping boxes and bags out of here!  Can't see the dining table or the kitchen counter and most of the floor around them for all the boxes.

Merry Christmas guys.



Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 12/20/14 11:01 pm - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

337.6:  High weight Dec '13

311.3:  Surgery day 1/16/14

196:  Last Weigh in

195.8: CW

180.0: Goal weight


I'm slowely moving in the right direction. I am realizing this week that i am developing some bad habits. I was able to re-group pretty well for a couple days, and fell on my face (eating wise) yesterday. I know I'm going to win some battles and lose some battles, but as long as I am winning the war I'm good. Mindful eating and developing good habits for the long term absolutely must be my mantra.

Terrible news today about the police officers in New York. Lets keep all our law enforcement departments in our prayers. @don - you may work for a podunk PD, but stay safe.  I promise to not get political on this board, but these last few years have been extremely frustrating regarding racial tensions. I was particularly aggrivated when a group protesting in Minneapolis thought it was a good idea to break the law to get their point accross. I just don't get it. 

Ending on some positive notes, HOW 'BOUT THEM LIONS!! OK..OK its only a ticket to the playoffs, but hey - it doesn't happen that often for them. Looking to get today's scrimmage out of the way so we can start thinking about Green Bay next week. 

Lastly - Please come home Jim


Han Shot First
on 12/20/14 11:11 pm - Flint, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Today will be a really good test to see how much Caldwell has changed the culture.  Under Schwartz, the Lions would've partied all night, come out today unprepared, and lost to the Bears.  But it really looks like Caldwell was the right hire, and I bet they'll be focused.


150 lost and maintaining!

on 12/21/14 12:47 am
VSG on 09/26/14

Definitely true about winning some and losing some. I started this week off doing so great; walking 6-8 miles everyday. Unfortunately my feet have lost a lot of weight and my shoes didn't fit well leaving me with some radical blisters. As I didn't exercise, I snacked and shifted into some bad habits for a day. I'm glad I recognized this and corrected quickly. No use beating myself up, but at least I'm back on track. I was on track for a big loss week but I'm still happy with what I did. It's SO easy to slip back into bad habits...

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


Don 1962
on 12/21/14 3:28 am

Maybe Santa will come across with better fitting shoes.  Blisters, no bueno.

on 12/21/14 4:35 am
VSG on 09/26/14

I treated myself to 2 new pairs! I taped up the blisters and just got back from a 4mile walk. I wanted to do more but it's hectic in my neighborhood today with the Bears game (I live right by Soldier Field) and it's just really cold. Still, I'll take 4 with taped blisters! New shoes worked out great! :) 

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


on 12/21/14 3:38 am, edited 12/21/14 3:39 am - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

You still lost over 4.5# which is excellent. Great Job.

I hear you on the feet size. Fortunatly for me, my excersize shoes were always a little tight, and now they fit perfectly. My business shoes are a different story. I need to buy another pair of business casual shoes pretty soon. I work in steel mills so I also wear steel toed metatarsal shoes. I'm hopeful that I can keep wearing these for a while because they are a pain to replace. 

I also noticed my glove size changed, which shocked the heck out of me. My hand size went from XL to M. I never would have thought of that.

Hope your blisters hear soon and you can get some new shoes. Its important to keep the activity level up. 


on 12/21/14 4:36 am
VSG on 09/26/14

That's too funny about the gloves; I thought they just got stretched out or something. I wore mine for the first time since last winter and wondered why they were really roomy. Never would imagine I had "skinny" fingers now! :) 

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


Han Shot First
on 12/20/14 11:20 pm - Flint, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

High Weight: 380

Starting Weight: 350

Last Week: 281

Current Weight: 276

A nice big drop this week!  That's really good to see.  I also was at the gym 6 out of the last 7 days.  I go to the local Y, so they are closed Christmas Eve and Day, so I'll have 2 days off this week.  

Still waiting for the Michigan coaching search to progress.  Lots of rumors about Harbaugh this week, and with the 49ers collapse, I'm hoping that he's just fed up with the NFL for now, and will accept the job.  I could see him leave in 4 years or so, but that would be okay if we could get a proven coach who is a good fit with the university.  He could turn the team around, get us in good shape, and I'd honestly be okay if he went back to the NFL.

Also looking forward to the Lions today.  They really need to use today's game as a tune-up for playing outside at Lambeau next weekend.  This team still has a shot at #1 overall seed (although not likely), and for a 1st round bye (a little more likely).

Not a ton of parties coming up this week, and that's okay.  We always have all of my daughters grandparents and uncle over on Christmas eve, and it's a taco bar this year.  Taco salad will work just fine for me.  Then, Christmas Day, we travel to all of their houses for an hour or so for presents, we're home by noon, and relax with just the three of us for the rest of the day.  

Have a great week, and a Merry Christmas everyone!


150 lost and maintaining!

on 12/21/14 12:02 am - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

Nice Work!!

Good luck with the holiday festivities. 


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