One small step for man...Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 7/19/14 11:48 pm

Last week:  175.2

This week:  174.8

Scary to think that the phones in our pockets have more computer capacity than what took man to the moon 45 years ago. 

Did better on the exercising this week despite two one-day road trips this week.  Made one eating decision I regret.  Was on the way back from Austin when I pulled ran into a Sonic.  Instead of getting a grilled chicken sandwich and eating that got boneless wings instead.  One they were physically messy to handle and two the sauce was NASTY!  Ordered six but only ate three.  Was afraid I'd either be barfing or have ED, explosive diarrhea, before getting home.  Even at six years out I still need the occasional reminder I have to be conscious on food choices.  Fast food is evil!

Go Forth and Have a Great Week!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Mike R.
on 7/20/14 7:57 am - Warner Robins, GA

@Don, we definitely take for granted the modern conveniences we have today and all those who went before in making them happen.  When Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon 45 years ago today, the space program race to the moon expedited technology to give us these “smart phone” conveniences that we have today – micro-circuits to one day provide the brain power; digital communications to provide the basis for cell technology; and optics & photo-detectors to provide the foundation for the modern digital camera.  After all, look where we would be today if they stopped a****er Displacement formula number 39!

    My stats this week:

           High weight:  392.0 lbs
Pre-op Weight 4 Aug 09:  377.5 lbs
      1st Surgiversary:  241.0 lbs
      2nd Surgiversary:  212.5 lbs
      3rd Surgiversary:  217.0 lbs
      4th Surgiversary:  214.0 lbs
             Last week:  228.4 lbs / 19.9% body fat / 174.0 lbs muscle mass
             This week:  227.0 lbs / 21.2% body fat / 170.0 lbs muscle mass

This week I’m down 1.4 lbs overall but have decreased muscle mass by 4.0 lbs.  This past week I made it to the gym on 5 days (3 days cardio & 2 days Physioslow strength).  I did well mindfully eating. 

Be safe & have a great week gentlemen!


          HW: 392 lbs SW: 377.5 lbs
          CW: 215 lbs GW: 190 lbs

Don 1962
on 7/21/14 8:34 pm

After all, look where we would be today if they stopped a****er Displacement formula number 39!

We'd have a lot of stuck nuts!  (mind in gutter)

on 7/20/14 9:49 am - MA

The Numbers:
346: All time high 7/1/10 - BMI = 52
326: Tufts Medical Center, Surgery 12/27/10 BMI=49
200: Weigh In 7/13/14

203: This 7/20/14 -->3 lb gain BMI=30

130 Total Weight Loss


Fair week in terms of eating. Succumbed to salts and sugars, but also had some good days.  Still striving for consistency from meal to meal and day to day. Ah, the challenges of maintenance.

Fair week for exercise, only able to work out 4 our of 7 days due to busy schedule and not been feeling well. However, happy as today went out and did a solid 6 mile run something I NEVER could have done before surgery.

Vitamins and water also good on that front.


Have a great week!

Yours in WLS Journey,

Bill Mac

on 7/21/14 8:07 am

Holding between 196-7...High of 300...Low of 187.  My arms and legs are strong...Look good except for excess skin.  It's the midsection that's the problem.  I just don't want to work that area.  How can water polo players have such great abs??  I know there is a lot of pushing and leg and arm work...But their midsections are tight.  Is there a game or fun exercise that works the midsections (abs and love handles)?  Brian

Don 1962
on 7/21/14 8:36 pm

I guess by "fun exercise" you ain't talking crunches!

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