Head Hunger

on 3/6/14 10:07 pm - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

Head hunger kicked my ass yesterday, and I got a glimpse of what life will be like long term if I don't get it under control. I can eat as much as I want in small quantities throughout the day with ease. I need to nip this in the bud!!


on 3/7/14 1:29 am

A few things in no special order.  Sip sip sip...It may help.  Avoid simple carbs (candy, chips)...They are addicting and you crave them more and more.  One thing I would do (since I graze) is eat raw vegetables.  Just like those old pre op diets you did.  I had a flexable work schedule, so when I felt that head hunger, I would stuff me gut with vegetables and go for a walk...Trying to stay away from the pantry.  Brian  PS  If possible try not to keep bad carbs in the pantry at all.

on 3/7/14 3:21 am - Woodbury, MN
RNY on 01/16/14

I agree with you 100%. I had just arrived at a hotel, and couldn't stop myself from eating snacks. I think I made good snack choices, just too much volume. I also didn't have any drinks in the room which is my normal first line of defense against snacking. I just made a trip to the grocery store and stocked up on drinks as well as sugar free jello. I'm well armed for tonight.  One last thing....I find that if I eat a late, high protein, breakfast followed by a late lunch and then a late dinner I am able to fight my head hunger nemesis better in the evening when the battle is normally raging. 


on 3/7/14 3:41 am


Try to plan ahead for the road.  On the road take plain nuts and things like rye crackers.  Pick up some raw vegetables at the store.  In my car and truck I would keep a can of beef or chicken vegetable soup in the trunk...You can find ones with pop top lids or ones that can be cooked in the microwave.  For me I still crave the salty crunch foods at night...Chips.  The carbs, the salt, the oil, the crunch!!

on 3/8/14 2:38 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/10/13 with

So very true, especially while traveling.  My head hunger takes me right to dessert, especially ice cream while traveling - my old habits always included desserts while eating out or if in a city with Coldstone - always a stop.  I haven't really found a food substitute other than deciding to go for a long walk or if it's early enough use the hotel gyms to change my mind.  The treadmill is 100% effective against the head hunger for me. 



on 3/8/14 9:21 am

3 other fast food choices I have found on the road...Your milage may differ; Wendy's Chili with cheese, McDonald's Bacon Ranch salad (Don't get the ranch dressing...Try the balsamic vinaigrette), Taco Bell's Pinto Beans with Cheese.  The balsamic vinaigrette has some sugar...not much, but some.  Also The bacon may be hard to digest (pork never sits well with me).  Just some ideas.  I will also fill my pouch with plain Cheerios...To get that full feeling, and it can be good for the heart too.  Plain oatmeal with milk can be good too.  It's very filling for awhile...Then the head hunger comes back.  Brian

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