Body is like Cyborg, Need a Head Transplant...or at least in this pic
Guess, I shouldn't complain. Imagine what the beer goggles could do. edit?usp=sharing
Guess, I shouldn't complain. Imagine what the beer goggles could do. edit?usp=sharing
You must be strong or have very sticky feet to hang on a wall sideways like that! Good work!

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
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Hello Guys,
Sorry, got taken away for a while and my hotmail account for reminders aren't working. I have been working out a lot and regularly for over 7.5 years. Body fat is probably 14 or so (guessing). I drink only protein shakes (mixes in about a gallon of water, cocoa and coffee****il noon, then eat pureed chicken salad with lots of colorful vegetables about every 2.5 hours until dinner. Then, I pretty much eat what I want. Wife has always cooked very healthy food, too.
I do have a little bit of an unusual advantage in that I was fit while young and exercised a lot, including consistent core work since age 12, which helps carry me much of the time. Lot's of yo-yo ing back in those days, though.
Best Wishes,