Surgeon accepted me as patient, now jumping thru insurance hoops
Highest weight: 670
Current weight: 619
Pre-op Goal weight: 550
Goal Weight: 250 (snicker, yeah right)
Tommy welcome!! I know the surgery teams often talk about 60-70% of excess weight loss, but even then, the low 300s compared to now would be a welcome change I am sure!? really depends on our personal habits from that point.
SO glad this is working out for you and wish you all the best in this journey! There is no doubt in my mind that this will change your life forever. Work the plan, build on good habits that you will form here and exercise as you are able and keep pushing yourself to go further!
I really like this lady's story and think it is pretty inspirational and this is WITHOUT surgery!
Hey Tommy,
Welcome! Wishing you the best as you start your trip. Lots of friendly folks here to answer questions, we can relate!

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
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