I need help getting back on track.
Hi Reds Fan,
First off, you had success once and you have it in you to do it again! You have a significant amount of sack to be able to come and ask for help, congrats! Go back to how you gained success before and right after your surgery... the tool is still there in your belly, you just have to use it.
Count everything that goes down the hatch. Use myfitnesspal or similar and do it as you eat.
Make an effort to get meaningful exercise every day.
Drink your fluids.
Keep your access to the tempting garbage hard. If it is in the house, car, work, you are going to eat it.
Pack a lunch and bring no money to work.
YOU CAN DO IT! (in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice).

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
Men's Forum FAQ here: docs.google.com/folder/d/0B5YeHu9A2ZfYcVJhUlVHeVVFWE0/edit
Don and Brian are spot on. You have the tool and knowledge of how to use it. What is lacking is the discipline and will. At this point in your journey this is a 90% head game. We are here to support you as best we can, but you may need to talk to a professional psychotherapist. The surgery does not cure what ails us psychologically. Our broken relationship with food is what got us to surgery in the first place. We all have to develop behavior that helps us deal - temptation avoidance, hobbies, exercise, etc. What works for one person may not for another.
Seeking the help of a professional is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Believe me your surgeon has seen it before so try not to feel embarrassed. He is an important member of your support team and should help you get back on track. If needed, he should be able to refer you to a psychotherapist who is experienced in helping bariatric patients.
So, reschedule your surgeon's one year followup appointment and let him help you. In the meantime, keep in touch and the best of luck!
HW: 392 lbs SW: 377.5 lbs
CW: 215 lbs GW: 190 lbs
Hi Indyreds fan,
I just wanted to add to what others have said. I too have had days of failure, but try not to dwell on it. Instead of saying this is the day I will get back on track, start w/ each time you eat and make it the next snack or meal to make good choices. It is not EASY, but we are all here to support you!!
Yours in WLS,
Bill Mac
Indy, I graze all the time. I lost over 100 pounds and six years out I've gained back 40. I would have gained back more but I force myself to exercise. My job is also good for me...I'm a security guard and have to either walk or ride (tricycle) miles and miles. One thing I do since I graze...I stuff myself with boring things. Do you remember the diets you were on pre WLS? I stuff myself with raw vegetables, and things like oatmeal. If I'm going to graze on bad stuff, at least I'll get some good stuff in when I can. Also for about the first 4 or 5 years I would always start my morning with Wendy's Chili. The protein is good and the beans are filling...It's my way of doing penance for my sin of gluttony!! Brian PS Try to keep as few simple carbs in the house as possible...