Progress Picture Update
I thought it was about time for a progress picture update. I am down 130lb from my highest weight in late 2011 and am 10lb away from my original goal of 230lb. I have reset my goal weight at 220lb to make it an even 150lb weight loss total. :) Thank you all for the support thus far, these last 20lb are defiantly the toughest.
**Edit Some have asked my height, I am just smidge over 6' tall in my socks.
Highest Weight 06/2011 = 370
Weight at Surgery 04/11/2012 = 328.8
Goal Weight = 230

“In case you never get a second chance: don't be afraid!" "And what if you do get a second chance?" "You take it!” ― C. JoyBell C.

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Thanks all. I am just a smidge over 6' tall.
I think my greatest accomplishment has been out of the 130lb total loss I have lost 125lb of fat and only 5lb of muscle. ;) I attribute that to my Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling and Mountain Biking, the guys really put me through the paces. We normally do a cross fit like circuit for 30min then drill then woops you.
Highest Weight 06/2011 = 370
Weight at Surgery 04/11/2012 = 328.8
Goal Weight = 230

Highest Weight 06/2011 = 370
Weight at Surgery 04/11/2012 = 328.8
Goal Weight = 230