"Hardcore Last 20% Crazies"
OK fellas, I am throwing down the gauntlet! We kicked around this subject after Sam asked if there was anyone else crazy enough to join him in losing that last 20%... Several of us spoke up but I don't see any follow-through... Are we crazy enough? Can we tolerate the accountability it's going to take? Do we have balls big enough to accept his challenge? I know I do! Post up here if you are in, sissies need not apply!
Lets see the numbers, be here every Sunday after the regular weigh in!
Week 1: Weight 173 lbs
Start weight 269 lbs
Excess body weight 109 lbs
Weight loss to date 96 lbs
Excess body weight lost: 90%

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
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Weight 201, Body Fat % is showing 26.1% (Five Feet, Nine Inches...)
Now working out 3-4 days per week, 35 minutes/2.08 miles on the treadmill this morning,, weights on Tues/Thurs, should be up to 4-5 days per week next week. (We are ramping up per my wifes / Doctors recommendation for exercise routine)
I am attending a seminar for the 1+ year out WLS patients on Thursday night and the topic is "Losing that last 10-20", I will update once I hear their suggestions.
Diet, I am concentrating on getting my full protein in... calorie slippage via snackage is still an issue.
See you Sunday, Brian

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
Men's Forum FAQ here: docs.google.com/folder/d/0B5YeHu9A2ZfYcVJhUlVHeVVFWE0/edit
Yep, I was 355 to start so they basically came up with 200 pounds of EXCESS weight (vs 155 pounds)
Naturally there are SOME problems with this, one is the 155 pounds is based on some pretty old data and depends on "frame" size which they really don't know.
(I have no idea how you measure "frame" actually...)
I found this chart for Sm, Med and Large frames
5' 9" | 142-151 | 148-160 | 155-176 |
I know we have talked about this before and the TRUEST measure of health would probably be to use a body fat % test. I am using my scale at home for that, and we can ALSO assume those scales are not terribly accurate.
So my current 201 with 26.1% is based on that scale...
That means approx. 50 pounds of "fat", 149 lbs of "lean" weight
At the very least I would like to get under 20%, which for me 185 or less, 180 or less and I would be under that 18% guidelines and be in the FITNESS category.
The one factor THEY do have have that WE must consider is excess skin...
So... long story a bit longer, I am wearing size 34/35/36 pants depending on cut, I am pretty happy with that. If I get down a little smaller I don't mind.
I wear Medium (snug) to Large shirts, sweaters, jackets. I am ok with that too...
What DO I want to really accomplish? Getting HEALTHY... and I think the weight loss will accompany my fitness goals. I am going to use the Military test for myself, 60 points in each category:
Pull ups... (currently at ZERO ability) Being able to do... 12 (60 points on Marine Corp scale), 3 is minimum
Push ups... (Drop and give me....10 reps is 60 points)
Sit ups.... (32 in one minute is goal, 60 crunches for Marine in 2 minutes)
2 mile run in 18:48, 3 miles in 24:40 for Marine
I'm in for 25 pound loss. if you really want to kick up the accountability notch move it to myfitnesspal as well. Friend eachother and then you can call people out.
look me up: paulcorley1969
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03 First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (PR 2:24:35)
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04

I would call the information from the meeting pretty much a bust. It was to be about losing that last 10-20% but ended up mostly being about celebrating the success you already have.
However...I think the issue was I was the only one really interested in that topic...
Here is what I AM going to do though... have the WLS unit run a test where they will determine my Resting Metabolic Rate!! (Plus a second test with their machine to determine body fat %) The two tests combined costs $75 and to me that is good and ACCURATE information to know.
That way I can base my diet on MY calorie output / deficit and exercise!!
To these tests you may want to find a location that can test your cardio zones to find when you go AT and then start attacking proteins and such as a fuel source.
I am looking into Bob Seebohar's stuff now, granted my typical exercise isn't the norm for this forum or most Post-ops. I do know a few people that have had success following his plan.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03 First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (PR 2:24:35)
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04

These zones is not something I have really heard much about. I know I look at the chart on the treadmill and elliptical and I stay on the high end, more cardio than fat burning. Read an article or two about that... "fat burning" zone being where the body uses fat for fuel and cardio zone (more heart beats per minute...harder workout) actually switches to carbs for fuel.
But the articles basically pointed out that total calories burned vs consumption is the final statistic that matters!?
(Interval training to spike heart rate also mentioned as a good system, between fat and cardio zones)
The exercise person at Wake Forest recommended a 20-30 minute cardio warm up, getting heart rate up before the weight lifting and to move from machine to machine to keep heart rate up as much as possible
Goal being 3 sets of 12-18 reps each for the machines and 60 minutes of cardio per day (5-6x per week cardio, 3 days per week of the strength training)
Hello Crazies,
Went up a pound this week :-( Happy though, I am still at goal and by the math within 10% of "ideal" weight. Good stuff Sam, will be interesting to see the results of your testing!

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
Men's Forum FAQ here: docs.google.com/folder/d/0B5YeHu9A2ZfYcVJhUlVHeVVFWE0/edit