Missed my 1st Friday weigh in
Hi Brock,
Welcome back on the wagon! You have been down this road before so we are assuming you have the tools. How is your exercise? Are you counting? Let us know how we can help! Wishing you success,
Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
Men's Forum FAQ here: docs.google.com/folder/d/0B5YeHu9A2ZfYcVJhUlVHeVVFWE0/edit
Merry Christmas, Brian. In answer to your questions: I have not had time to exercise yet. Our 1-year-old is having trouble sleeping lately, so daddy is TIRED at 5am! The second question: no, I am not counting. My dietician says just don't skip meals, so, if anything, I'm up-ing my calorie intake!
Thanks for the nice things. Have a great holiday!