CPAP Gone?

on 9/3/12 4:42 am - Oshawa, Canada

Please tell your stories of sleep apnea post-op...

Ref Jul 4, 2012,  Orientation Aug 27,  Surgeon Aug 31, RD Sept 18,  SW RD & RN Oct 18, Internist Nov 5, Surgeon Nov 21,  PATTS Nov 29, Surgery Dec 14,2012 (HRRH - Dr Sohi).


on 9/3/12 5:15 am - Houston, TX
Mine is a quick story. Never used the machine again after surgery. But, keep in mind that I got the machine because of a sleep study done in preparation for RNY. I didn't even get to my follow up visit with the pulmonary doc before having my surgery ... Everything was very quick for me. So, it was easy to give it up.
RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life

Andrew L.
on 9/4/12 12:33 pm - Klamath Falls, OR
RNY on 04/11/12
On September 3, 2012 at 5:15 AM Pacific Time, kenhud1 wrote:
Mine is a quick story. Never used the machine again after surgery. But, keep in mind that I got the machine because of a sleep study done in preparation for RNY. I didn't even get to my follow up visit with the pulmonary doc before having my surgery ... Everything was very quick for me. So, it was easy to give it up.
Same story here.
ACLakey's Bariatric Blog
Highest Weight 06/2011 = 370
Weight at Surgery 04/11/2012 = 328.8
Goal Weight = 230
Brian K.
on 9/3/12 5:25 am - MA
RNY on 04/23/12
 I was on CPAP for 9+ years before my RNY, said goodbye to it after my 40 lb pre-surgery loss... It still sits on my bedside table gathering dust. Before surgery I could not live without it, don't miss it at all now. I was not taken off it by my sleep doc rather I stopped using it and the apnea has not occurred since then.
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on 9/3/12 6:01 am - Oshawa, Canada
Thanks guys... Brian, that is exactly what I am hoping for!!!
on 9/3/12 6:41 am - Kansas City, MO
I had severe sleep apnea, and used the CPAP for years.  After surgery my surgeon said I no longer needed it.  Did another sleep study a few months later, it back with mild sleep apnea, pulmonoligist confirmed I no longer needed the CPAP.
on 9/3/12 7:04 am - Oshawa, Canada
Nice... That's great...

Ref Jul 4, 2012,  Orientation Aug 27,  Surgeon Aug 31, RD Sept 18,  SW RD & RN Oct 18, Internist Nov 5, Surgeon Nov 21,  PATTS Nov 29, Surgery Dec 14,2012 (HRRH - Dr Sohi).


John A.
on 9/4/12 6:13 am - Cambridge, Canada
They discouverd that I had mild sleep apnea in the pre-surgery sleep study, but I never
required the machine.. ALTHOUGH. the diagnosis required that I go to a special "step down
unit" for 12 hours after surgery.. Never knew I had sleep apnea, never had any trouble sleeping

Prior to surgery I used to get up 2 or 3 times during the night to pee. Figured this was just
an aging thing. but since surgery I generally sleep through the night now withoug having to
get up to pee, so maybe I wasn't sleeping as soundly as I thought and because of that I'd wake
up and needed to pee..
Now I sleep like a baby
Sam LifeNerd
on 9/4/12 8:52 am
 I snored something awful at 355lbs, had the study and was waking up like 125 times per hour or something insane.

CPAP did help... surgery helped a lot more and I quit using it in December, 3ish months after surgery (100lbs down)

I should have gotten final approval from sleep doctor but I have a big 2500 annual deductible and did not want to pay for that to tell me what I already knew.

Turned my machine back in to the folks and I sleep great now.

I also noticed that I used to get up more during the night/bladder, but again I often will sleep the whole night through, though I do usually turnover several times.

Wife said I have not snored since last fall (post WLS)

on 9/4/12 7:20 pm - Oshawa, Canada
wow.. That's great guys. I hope for and can hardly wait to sleep without CPAP.

Ref Jul 4, 2012,  Orientation Aug 27,  Surgeon Aug 31, RD Sept 18,  SW RD & RN Oct 18, Internist Nov 5, Surgeon Nov 21,  PATTS Nov 29, Surgery Dec 14,2012 (HRRH - Dr Sohi).


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