What are some of the quirkly (strange) routines you do post op??

on 8/9/12 4:20 pm
Thought we could get a thread going on what are some of the eating, drinking, vitamin, or other routines you are involved with post op.  To some they may sound strange...But it is something that works for you.  For some it's a comfort level, almost a religious way of doing things...With a lot of method and structure.
Anyways here are some of mine.  Like I said before in another thread, I nibble on a B-Complex pill...I also take my vitamins at the right time and separate my calcium from my iron.  The first few years...after the first month post op, I would start my day with a spoonful Wendy's Chili.  I would also have some cooked spinach for breakfast...Since my pouch was so small.  When eating at a restaurant I would not even ask for water...Wait 30 minutes before drinking...Now I eat and drink at the same time.
I like many of you, I would get on the scale 3-4 times a day (scale whoore)...Stripped naked for the best number. Early on, I would get a 1/2 hour of walking in...Even if it was raining.  I would put on rock music and just walk around the house.  So those are a few...What about you??
Tim T.
on 8/9/12 4:41 pm - Eastham, MA
 I eat sugar-free tropical popsicles by the box- half dozen at a time- sometimes. Iced coffee is my liquid of choice- brew my own or use Starbucks instant Italian roast- will work all day and put my running clothes on as soon as I get home before I change my mind- and that way I can't turn back- 

Don 1962
on 8/9/12 8:44 pm, edited 8/9/12 8:44 pm
Dittos on being a scale *****!  Lost 1.4 lbs this morning in the ten feet between my scales and Jan's.

Adamant about walking still.  Try to go every other day at least but life, and the heat, get in the way on occasion. 

Like Tim I'm hooked on the regional version, SF Blue Bell Bullets, of popsicles.  Reminds me - need to get some more.  Only have two boxes in the freezer.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 8/10/12 9:50 am
I remember one guy on the Men's Forum who would puree his chicken salad...have the nutrients work from the start...He still does.  I also keep a nuts, raisins, and plain Cheerios mixture in my pockets, in front of the TV, computer, and in the pickup.  I don't go hog wild on these...Just 2 or 3 pieces throughout the day.
Charlie S.
on 8/12/12 9:55 am
I haven't got any real wierd habits or anything, but I am definately a creature of habit.  I keep my allergy meds on my nightstand, and take it before I get out of bed.  Then go use the restroom, weigh (EVERY day), brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, take my multivitamins and calcium then eat breakfast.  Off to work.  Calcium at lunch.  Dinner followed by calcium and multivitamin.  At bed I take two chewable fiber gummies.  

Somewhat weird, as mentioned above, I NEVER ge****er (or anything to drink) when I go out to eat.  I started with strick adherance to my Drs order to not drink for 30 mins after eating, but now is more to humor myself when I get the wierd looks from the waitress/waiter and the several return trips to ask if I am sure I don't want anything.  I have even convinced one "less than bright" waitress that I didn't get anything to drink with my meals because I am allergic to water!  Haha!

I religously drink my 64 oz of water every day.  I usually drink more than 80 oz every day.  Some days I get over 100 oz.  I almost never drink any thing other than water.  Occasionally when I need a change up, I will have a little Mio or Crystal Light in my water, maybe once a week and a half.  Around once a month I will treat myself to some Lemonade.  Once every other month or so I will have a couple of Crown or Jack Daniels and Coke Zeros. 

I am pretty unexciting.  But a creature of habit isn't a bad thing, if you ask me...
                              HW:  429                     SW: 380                Height: 5'08"
Tim T.
on 8/12/12 11:20 am - Eastham, MA
 Don't rock the boat, baby!!
Paul C.
on 8/13/12 2:21 pm - Cumming, GA
 I sit on a Spn Cycle for up to 90 minutes of torture at a time and smile when I am finished!

I buy Powerade Zero by the case (Red & Orange) when it is on sale, I have purchased up to 6 cases at once.

I add enough frozen berries to my protein shake at night to turn it into soft serve I will then put it on a fiber one brownie as a sundae (we all know how brutal high protein deucing can be)

I eat SF Frozen yogurt every other day and have included it into my training program, it is one of my primary carb sources and not to outrageous in calories. The women at my sons Karate School hate it because well women and treats don't go well, Never mind the fact that I sit on a Bike for up to 3+ hours at a time.

I occasionally suffer from low BS episodes and have Discovered that GU energy gels are the perfect remedy.

I will eat the same meal up to 4 days in a row.

If I exercise hard and for a short period I will eat all day.
If I exercise for endurance lower intensity longer period I have to make myself eat.

Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
Brian K.
on 8/13/12 3:33 pm - MA
RNY on 04/23/12
 I am feeling left out...    so here is one:  I have low-fat cottage cheese every day at 9 am, I count out 7 chunks of pineapple to have with it... not 6, not 8, 7. Don't know how I came up with 7 either. Started this the day I saw my surgeon for the first time back in January.

This is getting derailed though because I have discovered I like Greek Yogurt, with blueberries on the bottom. Higher in sugar but the protein is worth it I think. Can not stand regular yogurt.

A few more:

I weigh myself once a week only, Sunday morning after the bathroom, before I get dressed... hold pretty strict on this one.

The portion size for the almonds I eat is 28 nuts, I count them out.

I bought a new belt just before my surgery, I wear it still because it is "new". I keep punching holes in it and now it wraps half way around me past the buckle. Must look ridiculous, I don't care.

Stopping now because I don't want the really odd stuff to get out!!!    

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
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Paul C.
on 8/14/12 5:16 am - Cumming, GA
 Are you a true wildman and go for 8 Blueberries on your yogurt?

Sorry I couldn't resist! 

We may have weird behaviors or rituals we do but if it works for us then I say stick with it!
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
Brian K.
on 8/14/12 6:35 am - MA
RNY on 04/23/12
 LOL! I mixed it up today and just got done having Greek Yogurt with Pineapple... Could end up my all time favorite!  (you killed me with the "stop the pooper" procedure!)
Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
Men's Forum FAQ here: docs.google.com/folder/d/0B5YeHu9A2ZfYcVJhUlVHeVVFWE0/edit
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