Sunday Morning Weigh In
Highest Weight: 315
Start Weight: 1/1/2011 305
Tufts Start Weight- May 2011: 285
Surgery Weight-7/5/2011: 265
Weight last Sunday Weigh-in: 172
Current Weight: 168
Goal Weight: 170ish
Lbs. lost this week: 4
Total loss from Start Weight: 137 LBS.
Current BMI: 25.5
Morning Gents-
I'm not so sure that a 4 lb. loss this week is a realistic one. I'm leaning towards last week's 2lb. gain was some kind of hiccup (or steamer, LOL). I know I shouldn't, but I instinctively weigh every morning as the scale is a mere foot slide away from the hopper, and after the morning leak, it's usually the next thing I do to start my day. Although my activities may sound obsessive, I refuse to freak out when these fluctuations happen, and they will, as Mike's post will attest. That number can move up and down a couple of times in any given week, and if it's up or down on Sunday- then it's up or down on Sunday. I think focusing on the big picture and what we have accomplished as a result of this journey we're all on will far outweigh a blemish on the Sunday weigh -in. And that's as hard as I'm gonna kick, Mike! Your support and encouragement on this forum has been instrumental in helping me and several others focus on that prize- long term health. I'm not kidding when I say this -to all you guys- even though I don't post on every single thread, I am frequently here on a daily basis- lurking, because of the simple fact that I need as much support as I can get- and I don't always get it other places.
That being said, I was contacted by Tufts to participate in a mentor program that they have established for their cattle line of patients that are going through the same stuff as we have. They're using Google Groups or something for their forum- I haven't really figured it out yet. But if I can help out, I will,dammit!
Next on the list, I completed my 2nd 5K Road Race yesterday morning, with respectable time, and am registered for another one at the end of the month. That will keep me motivated, for sure. I'm just grateful that after carrying all that extra weight and crawling around on my knees at work for the last 25 years that my frame has actually held up enough to endure a three mile run. But the important thing is I never would have known if I didn't try, and like Brian's post on a previous thread regarding increased exercise, the more you lose, the more you can do, and the more you will want to do- and that is true motivation, my friends!
Well, I finally heard it from the ultimate source, I told the wife I broke 170 and she looked at me and said "Tim, you don't need to lose any more weight"- although she's heard me describe the "no off switch" conversation for months now. Sheesh! I guess we could be having alot worse conversations!
Thanks for puttin' up with my rant- good luck to the rest of you losers and we'll be in touch!!
Just sayin'
Tim T.
Good Morning all,
Michael, I am proud of you for being accountable to yourself and to the forum. This is why we check in every week.
Another good week, as I am down 4 lbs. It seems as though I am having FARTS every week and it feels great. One down side to the weight loss, however, is I have lost all padding on my already flat butt. Now it hurts to sit for very long. Time for implants, ( like Hank Hill ).
You all have a wonderful week and thanks for your support.