went to the grocery store with my wife and walked the whole time this may not sound like much but a few months ago i could hardly make it to the truck in my front yard and i,m only talking a 50 ft walk i so love this second chance i have well thats my fart for today thanks guys for all the suuport you give on here Dan
Attaboy Dan, before you know it you will be doing your own 5k! Nice loss so far BTW.
Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
Men's Forum FAQ here: docs.google.com/folder/d/0B5YeHu9A2ZfYcVJhUlVHeVVFWE0/edit
What I'm about to say, I've said 20-30 times over the years...You old timers disregard. You lose weight...Which enables you to walk more...Which causes you to lose more weight...Which helps you to walk longer and farther!! It is really strange for many of us. We are used to a cycle downward (such as all those comorbitites we are so use to...Including the weight gain). So instead of a cycle downward, you cycle upward. The weight comes off quickly (depending on the surgery). You discover you can do more things. You're like a kid in a candy shop with a wad of $20. You start trying different things...cycling, hockey, jogging, walking further and further. It gets crazy...All this new freedom!! You are standing straighter. Women start to catch your eye. It can really throw you for a loop if your not grounded in this stuff. After awhile things settle down and you usually find some form of exercise you enjoy and continue with it. But for the next year or so it will be like an wild amusement park ride. That really is the best way to explain it. You don't know what is around the next corner!! Enjoy the ride...
"What I'm about to say, I've said 20-30 times over the years...You old timers disregard. You lose weight...Which enables you to walk more...Which causes you to lose more weight...Which helps you to walk longer and farther!! "
Oh, you are so right!
I my case I tried hiking last year and never went back. Down 200 lbs off my high. Two weeks ago I did a serious hike up here in the Whites in NH. 16 miles and 5 - 4000+ foot summits over 2 days. The next one will be ever longer, 2 days and 20+ miles over the Bonds.
RNY is great!
Oh, you are so right!
I my case I tried hiking last year and never went back. Down 200 lbs off my high. Two weeks ago I did a serious hike up here in the Whites in NH. 16 miles and 5 - 4000+ foot summits over 2 days. The next one will be ever longer, 2 days and 20+ miles over the Bonds.
RNY is great!