I Made the OH Newsletter!!
If you haven't seen the May, 2012 OH Newsletter yet check out the section under Goal of the Month titled I want to Run a 5K. www.obesityhelp.com/events/May-2012-Newsletter.html I am quoted throughout the article. Make sure you read all the way to the end of the article for a special shout out that I made to all of you guys in the Men's Forum!!

Thanks Jim, I appreciate it and love paying it forward from all those that came before me and helped me along the way. Unfortunately the Blue Jays had their number 1 and number 2 pitchers both go down with injuries in the last week of the season and we lost both games. Still ended the season at 7-2-2 and in second place out of ten teams. Not too shabby considering we were in ninth place last season!! We did earn a first round bye in the playoffs so looking forward to having fun next Monday!! It's all good!