Sunday Morning Weigh In - Happy Memorial Day
As for having some food in your mouth, I remember being at the stage. Your tastes are going to change and if you haven't tried turkey pepperoni and cheese then I would recommend trying a little bit as soon as your surgeon allows as it was a life saver in the beginning. Also, you may want to try Chobani yogurt as they are good and filling. The key for everything is mindful eating, slow and steady, no drinking 30 mins before and after your meal and you will be golden. Good Luck!
I'm about two weeks out. I'm going back to work on tuesday so I'll be back on the tread mill of life. I'm still sore but things are getting bettewr. I've been doing some light walking so no heavy exercise. I have my first post op appointments with the nutritianist and doctor. I'm looking forward to it.
Have a great week everyone !
Good Evening All,
First, as a US Army Vet, want to extend a Memorial Day greeting to all those who have served or have family members who did to protect our great country.
The Numbers:
346: All time high 7/1/10 - BMI = 52
326: Tufts Medical Center, Surgery 12/27/10 BMI=49
196: Last Week 5/20/12
199: This Week 5/27/12 --> 3 Pound Gain this week - BMI 30
150: Total Weight Loss
Well the roller coaster of this journey continues. Up 3 from last week. Honestly, a litte bummed as I know it is primarily from not focusing on Mindful Eating. Been partaking in some grazing and poor choices overall. I am going to focus on my food intake this week not just for the scale, but to not fall into bad habits that led me to being overweight. However, I am still pleased that I am below 200, that is good as I was at about 350 at my highest!
Exercise went well this week. Got in 3 runs of various lengths from 30-45 minutes each. I have also registered for my 3rd 5K!!!!!! Also doing some weight strengthening as well.
Again, great posts today, enjoyed everyone sharing their experience, strength, and hope on this jourey!
Yours in WLS Journey,

Thank you for being a mentor here and for all the encouragement you offer every day. 150 lbs lost is nothing to sneeze at! I am sure you will be back on track soon, keep up the good work!

Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
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