Anyone out there my age...71??

(deactivated member)
on 5/26/12 2:41 am - Canada
 Reading your posts you guys all seem much younger than me.  I'm 71 and just over 400 lbs, with a huge pannus extending to my knees.  Although I haven't been turned down and going through the process of tests, internist, etc., I got the feeling the surgeon might have felt I was too old to bother with as he said most people are 35-55 years old and have many years of life ahead, compared to me at 71.

Are any of you in or near my age group...or know of any successes with older people like me?
on 5/26/12 3:25 am - AZ
I'm 67 yrs old.  I been following this forum for the past 6+ weeks and I know what your saying about the younger men posting here.  I felt the same way, I thought I was too old for this group.  I was wrong because all of them are here for support and friendship, no matter what your age.

As far as age goes for the surgery, I think your right.  I just had my RNY on 5-17.  They also fixed my herniated bellyybutton and removed my gallbladder at the same time.  I was in the hospital 5 days and now I'm slowly feeling better.  I'm still weak and tired, but everyday has been better than the last.

Let your surgeon know that you can do it and your looking forward to it.  You can also tell him you plan to live a lot longer with his help.

Brian K.
on 5/27/12 10:21 pm - MA
RNY on 04/23/12
 Great post Jim, that is what this board is all about! Your last 2 sentences are sage advice for anyone contemplating WLS. Keep up the fantastic work you loser!
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on 5/28/12 3:27 am - AZ
Thanks Brian.
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/12 12:02 am - Canada
 Hi Jim...I hope everything is still going well for you in your new adventure.  Appreciate your thoughts.  There hasn't been many posts so I assume I'm the oldest here.

Was interested that you had more than the RNY surgery at one time, as I have a belly button hernia and asked the doc if he'd fix that at the same time and got an abrupt no.  I think he felt that it wasn't causing me any problems right now and less belly weight would make it a non least that's what I think he didn't say in the 15 minutes I got with him..

on 5/29/12 2:37 am - AZ
I didn't find out until the morning of surgery that he was going to take out my gallbladder.  I only saw my Dr one time before surgery.  That was Apr 5th.  Did all my hospital tests on May 4th and never heard anything about my test results.  Not big on how this whole thing went.  I read here where these guys see their surgeon and a Nut the week before their RNY.  The program I went with is called Bridges of PHX.  Their seminar was great and their website says everything you want to hear.  They claim to have a dietitian on staff too that is suppose to be available to you.  Turns out it's an RN who works on the ward and gives all their nutritional and pre-op classes (half a**, I might say).  When I asked about here credentails I was told she was taught everything about nut by the doctors and that made her qualified.  Not in my book. 

Who knows with these doctors?  My 1st followup is Thurs and I'll see if he shows up.  It's been interesting.

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/12 10:38 am - Canada
 He may have done you a favour taking the gallbladder as I've heard there have been gallbladder problems after a RNY.  Mine was taken out in 2005.  Never missed it.

We have a different kind of medicine here in Canada and patients are lucky to see their GP for 10 minutes after he kept you waiting for an hour after the appointment time.  

WLS is a $20,000 operation in the US I think, but you seem to get it all over in just a few weeks while it takes at least 10-12 months here to meet all the decision makers and approval to get it covered (band is never covered in Canada, always RNY is covered and sometimes VSG).  

I think something with a major lifestyle change like WLS demands time for careful thought, so I don't know if fast is better.  I seem to change my mind every day about it, but if I'm 'passed' by the 5 decision makers I'll get it done. I think I lean towards VSG for my age but the doc said there could be healing problems for one my age and the increased risk of leakage.  Big decision...I guess you're glad you've had it done, even though it's early in your recovery period.
on 5/29/12 10:54 am - AZ
Your right about gallbladders.  I read where 30% of RNY's have to eventually have there's removed.  It just bothered me that I didn't know there was a problem with mine until 2 hrs before surgery.

My approval went exceptionally fast.  I've been reading these forums for 2 months and a lot of people complain about having to either lose some weight or to be seen by a dietitian for at least 6 months.  Medicare covered first (80 %) than my Tricare For Life (which I earned by serving 20 yrs in the US Army) picks up the other 20%.  

I originally I just wanted a Lap-Band but I found out there are a lot of problems with them and you really have to be disciplined because you can make any food small enough to fit thru it.  My doctor said because of my age he recommended RNY.    I'm really not familiar with VSG.

As for having doubts, that's for sure.  On the way to the hospital I could have flipped a coin 100 times and still didn't know what I wanted.  It is a big decision and hope I made the right one.  I hope to lessen my oxygen use thru this.  It is nice already hearing my kids and wife comment about how I already look slimer.  I weighed 302 on Sun.  That's down about 35 lbs since Apr 5th, and 11 since my surgery.

Hope you get your approval.  If I hit the lottery I'll pay for yours.  LOL! 
Larry Wassmann
on 5/31/12 8:33 am - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12
Jim I am 70 and had RNY on 5/9/2012. All is well and feeling great. I don't think age matters at all. Go for it. The surgery was a piece of cake no problems at all.

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