Just had my 1 month follow up
I just had my 1 month follow up at the Dr. in Knoxville TN and everything went well. I've lost 25% of my extra body weight! I was stoked about that! My oldest son went with me to the appointment then we went to Pigion Forge and Gatlinburg.
I was also told I could move to phase 3!!!!! Real food!!!! That night we went to the HardRock Cafe and I had 5 grilled shrimp with a little katchup and hot sauce. It was nice to have food I could actually chew even if they weren't the best shrimp I've ever had.
I'm a little nervous about trying new things when I'm out so I will introduce things at home that I'm unsure about. It's time to make a new shopping list and go to the store.
I was also told I could move to phase 3!!!!! Real food!!!! That night we went to the HardRock Cafe and I had 5 grilled shrimp with a little katchup and hot sauce. It was nice to have food I could actually chew even if they weren't the best shrimp I've ever had.
I'm a little nervous about trying new things when I'm out so I will introduce things at home that I'm unsure about. It's time to make a new shopping list and go to the store.
Great news Todd, way to go. I agree with you, it is nice to finally be able to eat real food after surgery. The shock is not eating the food for the first time, it's actually seeing how little of food you can eat. I'm like 5 1/2 months out and I still get blown away with how little amount of food I eat and I'm FULL. Well good luck on your journey and keep us all posted with your progress.
WTG, keep up the good work! It's all real food, some is just more fun to eat!
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