The Four Demandments

on 5/16/12 1:41 am

I did not in any way come up with these I was thinking back to when I was a child then teenager and something that was always constant on Saturday mornings was l was growing up and listening  to Hulk Hogan spout his four "Demandments" with each and every interview. Moving Forward to yo-yo diets to make my wrestling weight in high school and again it was hearing the four "Demandments" Moving even a little more forward were thinking about GBS then actually having it done then it’s over and done with and your post op and the one thought has stayed in my head over the years were the four "Demandments" of




**And I think the most imortant one***

Sometimes all you have left is to Cowboy up!
Don 1962
on 5/16/12 6:54 am
Actually padner' for WLS patients it is slightly different:

4.  Any problems - CALL YOUR DOCTOR!
3.  Walk, walk, walk.
2.  Sip, sip, sip.

and Numero Uno--------------

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 5/16/12 7:38 am - AZ
The list cowboy put up includes Mind, Body, and Spirit.
The total picture.

We could all do a lot worse.....   

oh, and the fart not trusting thingy too.
"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
Don 1962
on 5/16/12 11:48 pm
I stand corrected then.  Cowboy is further out than I am and I misread things.  So guilty of a momentary lapse of judgement on my part.  I consider my ass kicked.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 5/16/12 9:25 am, edited 5/16/12 3:41 pm

Don Thank you for Post of your golden four. When I was a few years out like you I lived pretty close to your four. As time passed I learned a few other little known facts like Calling the doc when you think something is wrong a valid point indeed but after a while calling them with little bumps gets old when they want you to come into the office or hospital after a while when you really learn your pouch or band or sleeve you kind of know if something is just not right. It’s when the poop hits the fan..Trust me you will not know in time before it’s almost too late. Sipping water that is pretty much a given again from experience dehydration will sneak up on you quickly I have made a few trips into the ER for fluids I have also started my own IV for fluids ( 20 year Paramedic here ) (Do Not Try It At Home!) wanted to ad that part in before any one whips out the flamethrowers IT IS almost impossible to consume enough fluids to not be in some mild form of dehydration from the malabsoration.  Never trusting farts ....Well sometimes gambling and loosing is going to happen and after a few years down the road you will figure out if you even want to place a bet at the table remember what comes out involuntary is because you put it in there to start with again with time in the saddle you will figure it out. I don’t want to come off as any kind of know it all I am learning everyday but I have had a few goods rides and earned every buckle I have and have plenty of scars to prove it.



Sometimes all you have left is to Cowboy up!
on 5/17/12 12:24 am - AZ
Awwww common Don, by longevity alone,but also by successful weight loss, you qualify as a WLS success.. You are officially a veteran.

an old dawg.

And seriously, how many people here have actually coined a phrase?

You rock and your advise is always spot on. We all thank you for it.
"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
on 5/17/12 4:07 am
I agree Don I did not mean to sound rude or come off as a dick. Everyone of us past the moment we wake up in recovey has earned their buckle in some way or the other. Some of us have just had to attend more knock down drag out rodeos to get to where we are today. I wish I had that easy ride right out of the chute like some of the folks here, The kind where that ol bull just turns back into your hand and you drop your spurs in and enjoy the ride. However I damn sure didnt I will post more about it in time Until then. If any one needs anything I will be out here Riding fences just holler

Sometimes all you have left is to Cowboy up!
Don 1962
on 5/17/12 11:19 pm
We good.  Hope you have a Mule to ride fences with.  Makes it easier to carry wire and T-post.  Beside one of those is easier to catch and cheaper to feed, sort of with $4 gas.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Brian K.
on 5/17/12 7:56 am - MA
RNY on 04/23/12
Yes, what the Doc said... One of the true mentors here and a real asset to the board. We all thank you Don, and your advice is always spot on.
Hug your kids every day, let them know they are loved, keep them safe the best you can.
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Michael P.
on 5/17/12 10:16 pm
Don, you are the man and have done more to keep things moving on this men's forum than I care to mention.  I guess we all have our "Demandments" and what works for one may not work for other but I would bet that anyone who has been successful following weight loss surgery has followed some sort of variation of these give or take a few.  A couple I would add are Mindful Eating and Drink your Fluids!

Speaking of Hulk Hogan, I was clicking around the other night and WWE was on.  I have no****ched that stuff since it was WWF but what caught my eye was that Stephanie McMahon was on and man she looked harsh.  I remember her as being gorgeous.  Don't know what happened but I hope she hasn't been dipping in the roids like many of the other stars on the show...  Yikes!

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
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