Emotional Meltdowns
Hey Tomcat,
If you are feeling sketchy why not see someone now so that you will have the situation handled before your surgery? Best to be proactive and not take the risk of being uncomfortable while you adjust to the program. A burst of honesty: I was diagnosed with depression 20+ years ago. I have had some sort of treatment ever since then and have only made it through by listening to my body and taking action whenever I felt out of control. I am not worried about the physiological effects of my surgery because I am already managing the symptoms that might occur, it has cut my stress level way down during the whole process. Kudos to you for seeking WLS, take care and best of luck!
If you are feeling sketchy why not see someone now so that you will have the situation handled before your surgery? Best to be proactive and not take the risk of being uncomfortable while you adjust to the program. A burst of honesty: I was diagnosed with depression 20+ years ago. I have had some sort of treatment ever since then and have only made it through by listening to my body and taking action whenever I felt out of control. I am not worried about the physiological effects of my surgery because I am already managing the symptoms that might occur, it has cut my stress level way down during the whole process. Kudos to you for seeking WLS, take care and best of luck!