Plain potatoes, corn, and dry roasted peanuts...Good or bad??

on 1/17/12 1:44 pm

Been thinking about these for awhile...So are they good or bad for you??  Would like to hear your thoughts.  I'll post this on other forums too.  Peanuts have good protein...The hospital nutritionist said to go lightly on them because of their oil content...And it's not the best oil (compared to walnuts and almonds).  Corn has some nutrients but has starch...which the body burns first, turns into sugar.  Potatoes have more nutrients that corn...A plain potato with some lemon on it can really fill you up.  But again, starch.  Any thoughts on these three items??  Brian

on 1/17/12 2:36 pm - WI
RNY on 03/12/12 with
 Nutritionally not considering wls surgery corn is not the best.  I will discuss the other two with the nutritionist on Wed.  I know that if you like them sweet potatoes are a better choice but not sure where they fit for wls as they are highly fibrous.  As I mentioned, will try and remember to discuss this with the nutritionist.
on 1/18/12 12:29 am, edited 1/18/12 3:40 am - AZ
Corn, peas, and potatoes are on my personal no list. The corn and peas have a lot of sugars and the potato is starch.

To take some of the class back to bio-chem...

Sugars like table sugar are two glucose molecules hooked together. Break one bond and get two molecules of glucose, so one gets  rush of glucose and a spike in the insulin release (bad thing because it, among other things, helps to store fat). That and fruits, and honey are simple sugars

Starches on the other hand, are chains of hundreds/thousands of glucose molecules and they leak sugars into the system slowly for hours. This causes a lower, but more persistent elevation of the insulin. Again, undesirable. (This applies to potatoes, wheat/breads, rice, and pastas - you know , all the good stuff)  These are complex carbohydrates.

Don't know if that helps Brian (sorry about calling you dave the other day).

BTW yams are preferable, but still have sugars and starches, but a lot less. I'll let those sneek into the diet, but not now with a fricken stall going on.
"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
Michael P.
on 1/18/12 2:59 am
 All are "Good" in moderation...  But, attack your protein first and you won't have much room for these foods.  If I'm going to eat peanuts, I'll portion them out and will only have shelled peanuts because I can eat them slower and won't eat as many!!

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
Harry Parkinson
on 1/18/12 7:38 am - Maysville, MO
Hey thought I would add this.I try not to eat anything white. Bread,pasta rice and watch surger, corn syrups. And eat the protein first. And now water wile eating. You will feel full longer as the water washes out faster. And my old saying its blasphemy to eat mashed potatoes without corn swimming in the gravy so just forget it completely. Ferries beans salsa and so.e onions cupped in them has more taste and is better for you.filling. I do chest and add a little sour cream. And fat free cheese. Yum. If I felt hunger I would run to the kitchen and make some lol.
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 1/18/12 10:49 am - Japan
Those would all be better/ healthier than what I eat sometimes, Brian.

I don't gain, no matter what I eat and bloodwork stays good too.

Don't want to Hijack the topic/ thread, but if anyone has time,
I guess it's like the guy who eats only McDonalds but runs marathons.

Unlike him, though. I think a lot of folks have long term eating habits to worry about and develop. Perhaps myself included. Probably need to think more about that. 

Way to stick with the program.



on 1/19/12 6:10 am - WI
RNY on 03/12/12 with
 I met the nutritionist today and amongst other things I brought up potato products, nuts and corn.   None are off limits but for some they may have to be if it triggers poor eating  habits and dependent upon where you are at in your wls.   Avoiding white food is good in theory but not completely necessary.   Her focus was on proteins, portion control, not drinking with meals and cheating because of head hunger.
Paul C.
on 1/19/12 6:47 am - Cumming, GA
Everything in moderation. 

For me moderation is typically dictated by activity.

My Carbload for a 15K or longer race is TOTALY LOADED BAKED Potato. Granted I only get through about half of it soe it takes me 2-3 meals to eat the whole thing but I know the carbs will be put to good use.

Peanuts? Freaking love them!  They are like RNY Crack for me I will occasionaly by a pack of them more than once I have made the mistake of buying a can did you know even with a pouch it is possible to eat almost a whole can of peanuts in 1 day?  Oh yeah so I went and hit the gym extra hard.

Corn I have always viewed this as pretty much a push, meaning not to bad but not to great. Typically it comes out looking pretty much the same as it went in so I will eat it.

Nothing should be off limits in our lives but we need to learn and practice moderation. As soon as you believe something is off limits especially something you enjoy then you will start to crave it and when you do have a little of it then it is like crack ummm used that for nuts so it is like METH! in that you will want more. 

Brian you are fairly active so if you want a bit of something then make it just that a bit and enjoy it!
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 1/20/12 10:29 pm - Ballston spa, NY

I agree that "nothing should be off limits".  If I put a food on my forbidden list, I just crave it all the more.  For me, I look at that piece of cake, bowl of ice cream etc and turn it down because of the empty calories. 

I will eat all corn, potatoes and peanuts, but mainly because I am really craving them and a small portion.  I only will have corn, when it is in season, potatoes if we go out to eat (and I have to really crave them).  If I am craving a potatoe, I will have a yam or sweet potatoe, more taste and nutrients.  Of the three peanuts are the most frequent.  For me it is all in moderation and I did not even try these things until I got into the maintainance phase.

on 1/19/12 7:37 am - AZ
 I agree with the everything in moderation Paul.
I'm doing carb restriction during the weight reduction phase because I lose weight best when in ketosis, and a big workout at my weight is a three mile walk.
Later  things can change.

And yes, krispy kreams are made out of heroin.
"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
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