Just got out of the hospital.
Well I just got home last night. Was there for two days because of the fluid in my lungs and my back pain. The doctors thought i had pneumonia so they loaded me up with antibiotics and some pain meds. Last night the doc told me, now he doesn't think I have pneumonia and it is a buildup of fluid around my lung from surgery. He told me to have a chest xray done with my PCP in a week. He said hopefully it goes away on its own and if it doesn't they will have to remove it. So heres to hoping it goes away on its own.

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.? Louis L'Amour quote
Thanks, Michael. I have been in touch with my Surgeons office, but due to them being nearly 2 hours away, he suggested I go to his local branch hospital. I have a follow up with my PCP next week. I'm feeling alot better now, no shortness of breath and I'm able to move around easily. Still a little back pain and soreness, but Ill take it! I'm fortunate enough not to have major complications like some people have suffered through.

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.? Louis L'Amour quote