Hi guys.....saw this article and thought of you,

on 12/8/11 5:45 am - New Bedford, MA
I don't know if any of you can relate to it, (Personally, I love big men!) But if your partners are shying away from you lately, maybe this could be a reason. Of course, if you're really close to your partner, just come right out and ask her. Hope this helps.

Q: My husband has been putting on weight lately, and I am finding it hard to have sex with him. He knows something is wrong because usually I want sex all the time. How do I get over these negative feelings about his weight, or tell him without hurting his feelings? How do I get back into the mood?
— Anonymous
  Dr. Laura Berman A: 

Physical attraction is an important part of romantic relationships. The fact that you don't find your spouse's weight gain appealing is not necessarily shallow — we need to be attracted to our mates, both physically and emotionally. So it's probably time to clue your spouse in to your needs. This doesn't mean you have to come right out and say "Honey, you need to lose weight!" Try to be a little more subtle! For instance, tell him you want to lead a healthier lifestyle and start cooking nutritious, lean dinners for both of you. Pack him a healthy lunch to take to work so he doesn't eat fast food or vending machine fare. Ask him to join you for walks around the neighborhood or for bike rides in the park. Don't buy junk food (like chips, candy, and soda); replace it with healthy snacks like almonds and fruit.

If he resists improving his health and appearance, you might need to sit down with him and talk about how you feel. Tell him you love him regardless of his looks but that you still need the romance and attraction that is the cornerstone of all good relationships. Finally, try having sex with him more often — it is a good cardio exercise (for both of you!), and the happier you make him in the bedroom, the less happiness he will need to seek in the kitchen!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

Scott William
on 12/8/11 6:29 am
Not a good enough reason to intrude. Haul ass!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/9/11 5:27 am - New Bedford, MA
It's little boys like you who give real men a bad name. Grow up! And what's up with your pic? Please tell me that is not you! Get some Stridex or Clearasil for that face!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

Tim T.
on 12/8/11 8:19 am - Eastham, MA
I don't see how this article applies specifically to what this forum is about. It's pretty random. Is that your profile pic? You're kinda hot! Oh, wait, you're the *****
on 12/9/11 5:29 am - New Bedford, MA
Sorry, but I don't know what this forum is about. I am hardly on it, obviously. I thought I would be nice and send the article to some who may relate....no harm intended.

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

on 12/8/11 11:02 pm - AZ

Wow, you guys are brutal!

Looks like you've been voted off the island kitty!

"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
Michael P.
on 12/9/11 8:08 am
"Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere". Is that clear, or do I have to slip you my left for a convincer?"  

Name that Movie and who said it?  It's appropriate for the season!!

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
on 12/9/11 11:08 am
"I never met a dame who didn't understand a slap in the mouth or a slug from a 44..."
Michael P.
on 12/9/11 9:45 pm
 Play it again, Sam!  

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
Scott William
on 12/9/11 10:16 am
I have been doing this a long time (kicking out the ladies, that is). Two things I have learned is that if it's ignored, it gets worse and if you are too soft, it becomes a long debate on what's appropriate for each board. A good swift kick out the locker room door is the best method. As is usually the case, the cat lady thinks it's personal. I have kicked out better though. The irony of her post is that I have never had an issue with acne. Maybe she is looking at my dimple which the ladies love! If I were her, I would have gone with a big nose insult.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
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