RNY and Drinking Alcohol

on 11/22/11 12:03 pm, edited 11/22/11 12:05 pm
First, let me say that his topic is NOT meant for those still recovering from RNY surgery. In my doctor's program, they prohibited alcohol until you've reached your goal weight. So, newbies can ignore this thread.

To the point, there are 3 of us at work who have had RNY 12+ months ago. We've all reached our goal weight and are in maintenance mode. But, with the upcoming holidays, we have no clue how our bodies will react to alcohol.

I believe that with my small pouch, the effects of alcohol will be much more intense and I run the risk of getting drunk a lot faster.

Another co-worker feels that the sugar in alcohol will cause severe dumping. She thinks it's unwise to have any alcohol after RNY surgery.

The third co-worker says that due to the malabsorption factor, the alcohol would have little affect on us. He feels we could drink like fish and never get drunk (altough he, too, is concerned over the potential dumping).

So, what's reality?

High Weight = 310     Surgery Weight = 300   Dr's Goal = 200   My Goal = 190    
on 11/22/11 1:28 pm
My 2 cents...  You are right about the empty calories...They add up quickly.  As you know (or should know) with RNY the alcohol gets dumped onto the small intestine very quickly.  This creates a quick reaction...Getting a buzz from a 1/2 glass of wine or 1/2 a beer.  The buzz doesn't last as long as with a regular stomach...You sober up much much faster with RNY.  Which can lead to major problems down the road.  Many post RNYers get on this merry go round of drinking and sobering up quickly.  It becomes a game.  Some people can't handle it.  One of the saddest things I've seen at the local support group is people getting up and stating they are now alcoholics post op...They were light drinkers or tea totalers before RNY.  Be very very careful.  As per Oprah (no comment) 30% of WLS patients have a transfer addiction.  Things like and exercise addiction is socially acceptable...Things like alcohol or sex is not.  We've taken away your security blanket (food).  What are you going to replace it with??  Eyes wide open.  I tell people to test their first drink or two at home...See how you handle it.  No, you can not drink like a fish...You will soon find out very quickly.  And yes, you can dump.  But the longer you are out, the more likely that will not happen.  The body (pouch and intestines) adapt to their new surroundings...What someone would dump on at 3 week out...will not dump on at 3 months out.  Others may dump on the same things over a lifetime.  Each person is different.  I've dumped 1 time in 5 years...My friend dumps about once a week and she is 6 years out!!??  Your friend is completly wrong on the malabsorption issue...Because alcohol does it's thing in the small intestine...  I've said my peace...Eyes wide open...
on 11/23/11 6:02 am
Brian, Don, and Jeep,

Thanks for the responses and info. I really liked the details Brian put into his post because the processing of alcohol in the intestine was news to me. I've also never heard of the quick drunk and quick sober-up routine. Very good info to have.

I've had an occasional beer or glass of wine at home without any issue. But, with the company Christmas party coming up, I think all of us RNYers were a little nervous about drinking in public. The last thing we'd want to is to get sloshed or sick at a company function.

The idea of addiction transfer is another very good warning. I never thought I had a food addiction before RNY surgery. But, post-op it's very clear to me that my eating was way beyond "normal". The last thing I'd want is to substitute another unhealthy adiction.

Thanks again for the responses. I knew I could come here and get the straight story.

High Weight = 310     Surgery Weight = 300   Dr's Goal = 200   My Goal = 190    
Don 1962
on 11/22/11 7:12 pm
Dittos to what Brian said.  

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Sam LifeNerd
on 11/23/11 5:21 am
 Just to say what my Dr / NUT mentioned to us pre-surgery is that after you are a cheap drunk, BUT that you def want to limit your intake because it hits the liver MUCH harder since it has less time to filter!!

So they were not specific on when (I don't drink so I did not pay much attn) but it sounded like it would eventually be ok and then they were talking 1-2 per month?

The warning also went for cold/cough medicine with alcohol in it, like Nyquil!!

Scott William
on 11/23/11 12:02 pm
I have had alcohol a handfull of times in my 6 yrs post-op. I have found that I get drunk quickly (I'm talking two 12 oz beers at a baseball game and I was ready to streak) and it doesn't necessarily wear off quickly as I used to hear. One thing to be aware of long term is addiction transfer. I have seen it twice with friends who can't get their fix with food and go overboard with other substances.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 11/24/11 1:55 am
Scott, thanks for the response and confirmation of getting drunk more quickly. We talked about this yesterday at work and are all of the opinion that we really need to make sure we take it very slow or perhaps just stick to a Shirley Temple instead of wine or a mixed drink.

The addiction transfer is another issue that has all of us worried. So far, I've think I've been able to keep my post-op life on a balanced / even keel. Not sure I want to risk developing an unhealthy addiction. There's too much to lose or risk.

High Weight = 310     Surgery Weight = 300   Dr's Goal = 200   My Goal = 190    
Dave T.
on 11/24/11 7:30 am - MN
I think the reality is that were all unique. I've only dumped once(sf yogurt) and do have the occasional absolut at darts with a sf mix (going for my 4th straight tourney win tonight, the weight loss has really helped).  I do get tipsy fast and come down fast and then am ready for bed.

It was great cooking for 18 today and being able to stick to my diet even better:)
on 11/27/11 3:15 am
Thanks for the confirmation on getting tipsy fast and coming down quickly. Very good info to help us make sure not to make fools of ourselves at the company party.

Congrats on cooking a big meal and sticking to your new eating lifestyle. That's a great accomplishment.
High Weight = 310     Surgery Weight = 300   Dr's Goal = 200   My Goal = 190    
on 12/8/11 8:08 am
This being the men's board, I can say: "man up and drink your drink!" :)

I drank before my RNY and I continue to drink after.  I don't really notice any difference in how fast I feel the effects of alcohol or how long those effects last.  I do find my pouch does not like really hard-hitting flavors like you get from most Scotches, Jack Daniels or grain vodkas.  Beer, wine, hard cider (I make my own), potato vodka -- all OK.

Calories are calories so if you consume too many you will gain weight.  Alcohol has a lot of calories for its specific gravity, so you do need to be careful.  So if you can fit it in your plan, go for it!  However there is no shame in not drinking either -- as I said, alcohol has lots of calories...

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