Sunday Morning Weigh In

Michael P.
on 10/22/11 10:38 pm, edited 10/22/11 10:42 pm
This Week's Stats (lbs):
506.5: All time high 9/9/9 (WW start) - BMI = 63.3
492.4: Tufts Medical Center Program Start 9/20/10
462.5: Lap RNY Surgery day 2/7/11
332.8: Last Week 10/16/11
332.8: This Week 10/23/11 --> 0 Pounds Lost this week - BMI = 41.6
173.7: Total Weight Loss

Had zero movement on the scale this week but I feel thinner this week. Go figure! I finished week 3 of the C25K training without a problem. This coming week are five minute jogging intervals... Yikes, how scary but I think I'll do fine. I have upped my upper body weight training in the past week and am starting to feel stronger. I also worked out my abs (you read it correctly A-B-S ). Just call me "Mike - The Situation"... Oh wait, I think that may be taken. My entire "abal" region has been sore since Friday and I didn't even know that I had abs! I'm really enjoying working out with this new program and it has given my gym workouts some meaning as they had gotten really boring. I made it to the gym 5 out of the 7 past days and also walked at lunch for 4 out of the 5 days.

As for eating, I've generally been doing fine but went a little off with chips and taco dip at a party on Friday. Figures, of all things that I can eat without a problem its chips and taco dip. Damn!! Also had a few adult beverages (seasonal sampler beers). Very yummy but again, I am completely reserving those for special occasions.

Had quite a few primary care FART's to share this week during my first physical with my Dr. since having Weight Loss Surgery.

1. First off, I can now sit in any waiting office chair that I want comfortably. Just this time last year I had to sit out in the hallway on a bench with no arms. What a feeling to walk in and sit down.

2. The receptionist at the office who has known me for about 8 years and has always been, how should I put this, *****Y, was amazingly friendly and helpful. What a wierd feeling to not be judged as I walked into the office and immediately shunned. I don't know, maybe I was imagining it but I really don't think so!!

3. So, I get called into the office and you immediately have to get on the electronic office scale. My nemesis for the past 8 years because it only goes up to 440 lbs. Last time I was in that office I weighed upwards of 490 or so needless to say they just wrote down the weight I told them. The evil electronic office scale has been slain and I weighed in on their scale at 334 lbs. Woo "Freakin" Hoo!!

4. The Nurse takes my blood pressure and it is 110/70. The last time I had my pressure taken that I can recall it was something like 145/93 and maybe a bit higher as the nurses in my surgeons office had to have me relax so they could get an acceptable reading. Crazy what eating well and exercise does for the inside of your body as well as the outside!!

5. The Dr. does my physical and begins by saying "you have a very strong heart". Not sure what that means but I'll take it!! We talked about the surgery, how I've done and she looked around for excess skin and commented that she was amazed at how little excess skin that I have with all of the substantial weight loss and chocked it up to exercising regularly. Not sure how medically accurate that was but I'll take it as I really haven't noticed much excess skin yet. Granted I still have a ways to go in my weight loss but if I keep replacing the fat with muscle I'll be doing ok!! At least that's my story.

So my physical went off without a hitch. Still waiting the results of my blood work. Had the Dr. order the full gauntlet of test for bypass patients. She looked it up online while I was there which was fine. All in all, the best physical that I can remember having.

Well, on to week 4 of C25K training. Rough week of events coming up this week for weight loss. Have two parties to get through today and hope I have the strength and willpower to avoid the chip bowls!! I have my wife and I's 11th wedding anniversary to celebrate Friday night and I also have a college reunion next Saturday night at BU which ought to be a challenge as it is with my fraternity brothers (SAE) . I will likely be having someone kick off next Sunday's Weigh In for me so be don't be surprised if you see a guest moderator as I'll be staying in Boston and won't have access to a computer until later in the day Sunday.

Hope everyone has a great week!

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
Tim T.
on 10/23/11 12:02 am - Eastham, MA
Highest weight: 315
Start weight: 1/2011 305
Tufts start weight May 2011: 285
Surgery weight-7/5/2011: 265
Weight last Sunday Weigh-in: 211
Current Weight: 209
Goal Weight: 170ish
Lbs. lost this week: 2

So, down 2 lbs. this week, 4 lbs. away from the century club and 9 from onederland. I'm hoping to get there by Thanksgiving but I'm expecting the scale to fluctuate a little as it has in the past. Not weighing in every single day has cut down on any anxiety created by doing so. As the scale moves, I also understand that the Farts are just as important.

I got to the gym twice this week and 2 long beach walks with the pooch. By the way, how far is a 5K in miles? Haven't figured that out yet. I warmed up for the weight resistance program I do by running on the treadmill for 10 minutes or so. No ankle pain or sheer exhaustion. FART. The new Levi's I bought three weeks ago are hanging off my ass already. FART. I need to buy some sweatpants for kicking around the house and I always trekked 1/2 hour to K-Mart where I could get my size. My wife said try TJ Maxx down the street they are cheap there and she's right because I probably will fit ino a medium. FART. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the clothes shopping thing, just something I'm not used to.

Do any of you guys find it shocking to watch other people eat the kind of portions you used to eat yourself? I made seafood pesto with linguini for my family last night  and while I enjoyed a couple of scallops and shrimp with enough pasta to wrap around my fork once there were huge piles and refills had by all, (They like my cooking, I guess). Sometimes I will look at a decent meal when I'm hungry and think I will destroy a whole plate of it, but after a couple of bites and I'm done. I guess my appetite is starting to come back and some old habits are looking for a pulse. No one said it would be easy, And that, my friends, is why I like this forum to vent it out. Have a good week!
Don 1962
on 10/23/11 12:41 am

5K = 3.2 miles thus 10K = 6.4 miles.

Understand about clothes shopping.  Can't believe that I wear medium shirts and 34 or 36 pants depending on the cut.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Charlie S.
on 10/23/11 1:09 am, edited 10/23/11 1:10 am
429: All time high 12/1/11
380: Lap VSG Surgery day 8/30/11
336.4: Last Week 10/16/11
334.0: This Week 10/23/11 --> 
95.0: Total Weight Loss

So, another week has gone by.  Down here in Houston, TX, the weather has finally started resembling fall.  Temperatures have fallen into the 70s during the day and the breeze is nice.  Unfortunately, the rain that come with it brought the most mosquitos I have ever seen!  That has made the outdoors almost unbearable.

On to the good things...

1.  I have been to the gym at least 4x a week the past 2 weeks. 

2.  I spent the entire day yesterday shopping with my wife.  For the first time I can remember, I didn't skip ANY stores.  She used to shop for hours.  After the first store or two, I would wait in the car and read a book because my ankles, feet, and especially my lower back, couldn't handle it.  After shopping all day yesterday, the only problem I had was with my left knee.  (I think that is related to over use at the gym on the exercise bike though) 

3.  Yesterday, I bought a new belt.  My old brown belt and black belt I wore to work had gotten WAY too long.  (Wife wouldn't let me keep wearing them anymore because I "looked silly")  Dropped from a 56/58 to a 50/52! 

4.  Also while shopping, I wanted to find a big enough towel for my gym bag to go all the way around me and not have a gap on the side for when I am in the sauna or around the locker room.  Normally, I would have to special order one on the internet.  I found a selection at Bed Bath and Beyond.  I actually had to pick which ones I wanted!!!  WOW, selection???  Who knew it existed!!!!

5.  Also while shopping, we went to Marshalls...  My wife always talks about how cheap it is there.  I browsed the "Big and Tall" section and found that I am getting perilously close to being able to shop there!  Can't wait!  (I joked with my wife that I may become a clothes ***** when I can shop where I want for a third the price!!!!)

6.  My wife and I were discussing on the way home from our all day shopping extravaganza that we haven't spent the ENTIRE day together and not just sat at home in so long that we couldn't remember the time.  We both remarked that the days of sitting at home all day on at least one day of the weekend and lazing around on the couch are over.  If nothing else, we are going to go to the gym for an hour on the lazy days to keep our butts motivated!!!  I will tell you, it is so much easier for me to have my wife on the journey with me.  We motivate eachother when one of us "isn't feeling it".

Well, I must go now, I am off to drive 2 hours away to visit my Mom.  I haven't seen her since my surgery.  She has been begging me to come see her and I just haven't been able to find the time.  However, since she just finished chemo for Breast Cancer, she lost some weight too.  That means I am taking all of mine and my wifes old clothes to her to see what she can re-use.  (My wife had WLS 3 weeks after me)  Can't wait to see my Mom.  She is getting her hair back and I am so thankful that she has done so well in her battle with cancer.  

Well, gents.  See you on the losers bench.  I am off to be active again!  (Sorry so long!)

                              HW:  429                     SW: 380                Height: 5'08"
Don 1962
on 10/23/11 1:17 am, edited 10/23/11 8:04 pm
Your FARTs at the PCP's office probably nullified that antiseptic smell those places always have.

Maybe getting sentimental in my old age but had a non-scale FART yesterday.  Intention this trip to the Lady Friend's was to go to the Texas Prison Museum in Huntsville, TX.  Got blind sided and wound up baby sitting her grandkids yesterday while her daughter and son-in-law were car shopping.  Supposed to have been back by Noon so we could still do our thing.  Hardy har har!  We had the kiddos till too late to make our trip. 

Okay so we have them at the park and I got to pushing the four year old in a swing.  No big deal.  Then it dawned on me here I am crowding 50, never having had any children there for I had NEVER pushed a little girl in a swing.  To top it off there was a second little girl that her mother had brought her to the park and I would wind up pushing them BOTH!  I enjoyed the moment.  Date a woman with grandkids and VIOLA!  Instant "grandfatherdom" moments!  Great shoulder work out too!

I'll edit in the numbers tomorrow when I get back to my "home" scales.

331.0: All time high 3/10/08
321.0: Surgery day 4/7/08
184.0: GOAL!! 1/13/09
173.0: 1 yr Surgiversary 4/7/09 and at 18 months
171.5: 2 yr Surgiversary! (Dr. scales)
175.5: 3 rd Surgiversary (his scales in shorts and t-shirt)
172.4: Last week
172.4: This week (Mon) 

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Dave T.
on 10/23/11 1:32 am - MN
541+ highest known weight bmi 69.4
491 Lap RNY 1-12-11 bmi 63
322 currently -3 pounds  bmi 41.3

Another good week in the books.  This weekend marks 1 year since I had to go on optifast program to get sub 500 pounds so my doc would do laproscopic rny. It did work as a temporary fix ended up losing 50 pounds on it. Went and got a authentic taco for lunch on tuesday and ran into a old friend who hasn't seen me since surgery and he didn't even recognize me. That was pretty cool.  
Got all my old 5/6 xl cothes boxed up ready for donation.  I am going to keep 1 outfit as a reminder.  
 Got to the gym on a regular basis and this will continue to get easier to do now that work has slowed from 14 hours a day to 10.  I did run a 5k yesterday and that was pretty awesome feeling, but next time I'm going to train before running a long distance because I hurt like hell last night, although this morning I'm feeling a lot better. 
Corey H.
on 10/23/11 1:36 am - Liverpool, NY

415: Highest
394: Start of my journey (7/15/11)

340: Day of Surgery (9/27/11)

319: Last week
317: This week

Only a 2 pound loss this week. But I feel good for the most part. Had my first bout with regurgitation since surgery. I tried cottage cheese for dinner last night and about half way through it my pouch felt crampy and I made a mad dash for the bathroom. I am feeling better today and so far breakfast of a scrambled egg and a protein shake for a snack have stayed down. 

I also went shopping with the wife. We hit up the outlet mall about an hour from our house and walked the whole thing and stopped in more than half the stores. Bought stuff mostly for the baby, but did pick up a couple of t-shirts, they are 2X and fit, snugly but fit. I was snugly in a 4X at the start of this journey. I also was able to fit in a pair of 46 pants that have been collecting dust in the closet.Anyways the shopping trip logged me about 5 miles according to my pedometer.

Highest/Starting/Day of Surgery (9/27/11)/Current/Goal: 415/394/340/240/200

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on 10/23/11 2:22 am - Canada
  This Week's Stats (lbs):
339:    All time high November 2008
299.8: Lap RNY Surgery day 18/10/2011
296:    This Week 10/23/11 --> 3.8 Pounds Lost  this week - BMI = 42.5
43:      Total Weight Loss

Hi Guys - Can I join up with you?
I had my RNY last Wednesday.  It was an adventure getting here.  So far I am trying to keep with a mostly liquid diet.  Its been about five days and today I am looking forward to my first scrambled egg yolk breakfast.   i am chomping at the bit to go exercise but my better half is reminding that I just had major surgery and should behave myself.  I really didn't behave myself before so why should this be different?  Actually I am pretty good at staying with the prescribed diet, responsibily walking and moving about, but basically I have this urge to get going.  I should be more patient I think.

on 10/23/11 11:54 pm - North Providence, RI
I am the thickest headed french man you will ever meet, but this is one that I have to agree with your other half.  I have had NO PROBLEMS.  I did exactly what they said, followed their schedule to the T, and didn't deviate from their recommendations at all.  the first 6 weeks is critical to get the foundation set properly.  Why rush and cause problems for yourself.  You have the rest of your much longer life to look forward to.  Don't cause issues down the road to shave a few weeks off something now.  My 2 Cents...



on 10/23/11 3:08 am - Houston, TX
Highest: 407 lb
Surgery: 5/17/10
Last week: 189.0
This week: 186.6
Loss this week: 2.4 lb
Total loss: 220.4 lb

A good maintenance week for me. I even show a couple pound drop, so what's not to like?

My energy levels are still somewhat down, and I have been avoiding the gym until I get the health issues worked out. I have doctors' appointments next week and hopefully we can get to the bottom of it. (considering where they found the blood, the term "bottom of it" is more true than one might want to think.) I really don't think it's anything major, but I would like to feel that higher energy level I had.

On the plus side, I a headed out to buy a bike today. Nothing fancy, I just need something new to motivate me to stay active. Houston weather is finally cooling off a bit to make outdoor activity possible. Maybe this will do the trick in getting me moving again!

Have a great week guys!
RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life

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