Gentlemen start your engines
on 10/14/11 5:02 pm
on 10/14/11 5:02 pm
Wednesday the 12th, my birthday, I went to a two hour presentation by the surgeon and his team on what they offer. About 20 folk attended including a "Harley Graduate," that is, rides a Harley like me, and a woman . The former had the sleeve, the latter RNY. I have submitted a request for them to check my insurance, as I have hospital only cover and I don't want to enter on a process that I won't be able to pay for because of unplanned extras! I have seen the surgeon in another setting and he has a great reputation. Alas my surgery will be complicated as I have had a hernia, repair which has mesh which has migrated and now another hernia. I get terrible refux and wind fore and aft! So, hope I hear this week if my insurance will pay and then I can really get on the journey which I have started mentally! I am 65 but pick if this op happens I'll get another 20+ years which would be really great. The surgeon does not think age is a problem just whether I am prepared to take the risks that go with the op. I am ready, let's hope the insurance company is! Kiorana123.
Best of luck as you embark on the journey of a lifetime. Make sure you do your homework by attending orientations at your surgeon's office and reading up on the OH forums but make sure that you take everything you read with a grain of salt as we all have different experiences. You can always check in to the Men's forum for some no nonsense (well maybe some nonsense
) pointers, tips and answers to your questions. Good Luck!