My First Signifcant FART
I went for lunch with the misses to a little place we used to go to once or twice a month. We actually haven't been there since my surgery because I am still trying to figure out how and what to eat. The restaurant has a ton of booths and they were always, well lets say, confining. OK, that was an understatement. I was wedged in like a wheel chock holding an 18 wheeler from rolling down a hill... Well we get there and they bring us to a booth, and not even thinking i jump on into the seat and get all comfy. My wife is just standing there looking at me like I just invented air. I asked her what the problem was and she said "did you just see what you did?" I didn't even have a clue that the 3 minute wedging exercise to get into the booth had been replaced with a jump and dive sitting style with 7 to 8 inches of free space between me and the table top( i used to extend 3 inches over the table top if you know what I mean)... It didn't even hit me till she said something that i had shrunk that much. That moment I finally felt like I had changed a bit and was actually loosing weight. The scale had told me that right along, but I didn't feel it or feel like I was making progress... It's the little things that you don't notice that make the biggest impact on your life. Just had to pass this one along and let you all know. It is happening, whether you believe it or not
Lammy OUT

on 10/10/11 1:55 pm
But, on a serious note, you bring up a good point about how we view ourselves. I still find myself going to the big and tall sections in stores to see if they have something that will fit. I just can't get used to being able to wear average-sized clothing.
Although the body has changed, the mind hasn't quite caught up yet. I've got to quit thinking of myself as being fat. That's now history.