Tales of a C25K failure

Paul C.
on 10/5/11 11:51 pm - Cumming, GA
Yes that is right guys I openly admit that I didn't have it in me to do the C25K program, for me I found it to difficult.  This does not mean that I gave up it simply means I adapted and created a plan that worked for me.  I can tell you it took a hell of a lot longer than 9 weeksfor me to run 5K but what a rush when I could.

So Sept of last year I participated in my first 5K 11 weeks after surgery and what an eye opener it was.  I felt like ****ting bricks before the race and 46 minutes and 32 seconds later I was proud of myself yet ashamed of myself.  I was proud that I had accomplished something I never believed possible just months prior.  I was ashamed of myself that I for my whole adult life had become oblivious to the fact that I couldn't run more than .10 miles without becoming winded and hoping I wouldn't cough up a lung. To be totally honest given where my health was at that point in time I probably would have had an easier time getting kicked in the nuts.  I am happy to say I didn't come in last or even last for my age group.

So given this what is a guy supposed to do?  Easy answer overcome!  I admit I enjoyed doing the 5K for the sense of accomplishment and set out to get better at them and yes RUN A WHOLE 5K eventually!  well December comes along and I do my second 5K WOOHOO I did better on the second one I beat my first one by 5 minutes! needless to say my son beat me by 1 minute.  I felt awesome I had moved faster than I ever had in my life, but there was still a problem.  I hadn't run the whole distance. 

So once again I found myself in the gym on the treadmill trying not to cough up a lung while building my speed an milage.  Day after day I stepped on to that hated machine and simply asked "Please don't kill me today"  I had set my mind on that I will oneday run a 5K.

So April of this year comes along and I say "Ok time to try this again I think I am ready I have logged my miles and trained time to sign up for a 10K" not just any 10K but the worlds largest 10K 60,000 people set to run this thing, but first I need to get me a qualifying time so I don't get stuck behind 59,999 other people because I figure I am faster than at least 1 of them.  So to get my qualifying time I sign up for a 5K.  Yes my third 5K was 5 months after my first and guess what!  Yes I ran the whole freaking distance!  and I did it in 32 minutes!  HOT DAMN!  being the total guy though this no longer seemed to be enough.  I had accomplished my goal I had run 5K so what do I do now?  Easy go bigger!

July 4th was the date of my first 10K which I again dedicated myself to logged miles and hours on the treadmill gave up mornings and lunches to push myself beyond what I believed I could do.  I did a few more 5Ks some were faster some were not, but the best ones are the ones I ran with my son.

On July 3rd  I am once again ready to crap myself as I realize that the next day I would have to run in front of hundreds of thousands of people and some KENYANS!  oh lets not forget the fact that I had just signed up for a Half Marathon.  Here I had never ran more than 6.5 miles and I said What the hell here is $65 bucks now let me run 13.1 miles with you for a Tshirt!  Well the 10K went awesome and I finished in 61 minutes and had a total blast!  Oh yea I got to eat lots of bananas to .

Well After the 10K I knew what I had to do, yup hit the gym and log some miles!  This I did and on Saturdays I would wake up and go to the local jogging trail and do my long runs, first 6 miles then 7, 9 and up!  I noticed the more I did it the easier it became physically not mentally because at some point at the butt crack of dawn you will say "WOuldn't it be so much nicer to be home sleeping?"

Then September of this year comes around and it is time to do the 5K that was my very first.  A friend at work asked "Are you running the race this week" To which I replied "Yeah it is only a 5K" what did I actually just say that?  Something that I had workd months for was now simply a warm up? a way to spend 30 minutes? 

Once I hit the 10 mile mark I sign up for a 15K because you got BLING! yup they gave out Medals to everyone that finished and damnit I was going to finish!  And I did in a nice 1 hour and 37 minutes. 

But the day of my Half Marathon was quickly approaching and I didn't realize how soon it was actually coming up until my friend mentions at a support meeting "In 2 weeks Paul is running his first Half Marathon"  I reply "I AM?"  They said "Your still doing the race on Oct 2nd"  Yup I was but damn I thought I had more time.

As Fate would have it the weekend before my Half Marathon I start to have knee problems  I am so denying that I need to see a doctor before the race, but ask my wife to get one for the day after, well she screws up and gets me one for the Friday before.

Doctor walks in and I tell him "I have a half marathon Sunday that I am doing regardless of what you say."  He looks at me and examines my knee and says "Well I'm not going to tell you not to run, but just know It Will Hurt" .  I get a knee brace and a cortisone shot and schedule an MRI.

So Sunday comes and I am heading to the race telling myself "Fat Boys Quit"  not finishing this race is no option.  It is strange the things that cross your mind when you are getting ready to do these types of things.  My mind isn't focused on the fact that Here I was getting ready to run 13 miles or for 2.5 hours, what is my mind thinking?  What do I do if I have to take a crap half way between aid stations!  HA good thing I took Immonium D the night before! that stuff stops the party for days, but it is one of those things you think about.

SO I get to the race and line up people start moving and hey I am passing people. My head says DUDE! You are doing this you are running 13.1 miles without stopping.  Less that 2.5 hours later I crossed the finish line, My doctor was right my leg was killing me. My Family and friends were right I Could run this race. The only thing that was wrong that day was my self doubt, yes I doubted that I would be able to do this, but armed with the knowledge of where I was simply a year and a half before I pushed through and made it happen.

So there you have what is possible when you can't finish the C25K program. Imagine what you can do if you actually are able to fini****

Get out an enjoy life!
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
Sam LifeNerd
on 10/6/11 1:30 am
 Were you training pre-surgery?  I see the 11 weeks from surgery to first 5k, but maybe you meant the first one you "Ran" the whole way was longer than the 9 week program?

I too am wanting to work on running, but only 2 weeks out from surgery, walking in the neighborhood last night was my first "try" at exercise beyond walking around Wally world, etc.

(Also wanting to start biking, hiking, kayaking....and other things that end in ING...)

I know I was walking (3.5mph to 4mph) on the treadmill and doing 3.x miles a few weeks ago, but not "running"

My fear is my knees, but they feel better already with 44 pounds off them, I am sure they will get better as I go, but not sure how much perm damage was already done.

I appreciate your post... I def hope to be where you are at in a year from now!
Paul C.
on 10/6/11 1:35 am - Cumming, GA
Pre surgery I was walking 4 miles in slightly over an hour.  I was doing no training at all.

It took me much longer than 9 weeks to run, but that is me. Once I was able to run the full 5K distance it just took off from there.

I had no issues with my knees until recently as I increased my distances.  One reason may be because as I built up to a run I was dropping weight  the difference between first 5k and first ran was probably 40 pounds.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 10/6/11 5:36 am - Willingboro, NJ
Just be proud that you are going out and running.  You can do the same distance every week or even every few days and know that you are getting more exercise than most of the people in the country.  Don't let your doubts overwhelm you.  If you start to feel like a failure for not accomplishing a longer distance, you may just give up on running altogether.  Do it as long as it is enjoyable.  If it becomes a chore, switch to bicycle riding or a sport.  You can always go back to running.

Your accomplishments and goals are important to you.  Be glad of what you can do now.   Enjoy doing the 5Ks as often as you want.  You can gradually train to do more.  I have relatives who started out with small runs and eventually got up to 5Ks.  Then they tackled half marathons and eventually attempted marathons.  But, this training has gone over years.  They all hate going to the gym  and prefer a run outside.  My niece lives in Brooklyn and runs in Prospect Park.  My brother lives in Central NJ and does most of his running in nearby state parks ( NJ has a park that's 65 miles long and only 60 ft wide in most places).

So, I'd say to continue your running.  Try to change your focus while you are running.  While you may want to try for a couple of long runs per year, I think you will enjoy yourself more if you are able to enjoy your surroundings while you run.

Congratulations.  keep up the good work, but don't screw up your knees.
Michael P.
on 10/7/11 8:15 pm
 Great Post Paul and you have been one of my inspirations since joining OH.  I have lurked and read about your trials and tribulations and wondered in the back of my mind.  Can I actually run?  I mean, it is inately human to run so why shouldn't I?  Well, week 1 of the C25K training is history and I did it without a problem.  I am 8 months out of surgery and have been exercising since about 6 weeks out.  Mostly cardio (60 minute elliptical and 30 minute arc trainer) but have stayed away from the treadmill (or dreadmill as I called it).  So, when I began the C25K training this week it really wasn't that bad for me and I actually enjoyed it and am looking forward to running for more than 1 minute 8 times.  I think it ups the intervals to 90 seconds so I'll let you know how I do next week.  I downloaded the android app (C25K Pro) to my smart phone and listen to my music while the app tells me "Ready, Run" and then "Good Job, now Walk" at the appropriate intervals so it is pretty mindless!!

Again, thanks for the post and hopefully this time next year I'll be posting about my running adventures in real races!!

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
Michael P.
on 10/7/11 8:19 pm
 Oh yeah, forgot to mention that this was the first week that I didn't have the dreaded treadmill slippage as I was walking.  When I would walk on the treadmill at the 400 pound+ weight the damn thing would skip and stutter and I just chalked it up to faulty equipment instead of realizing the weight limit had been reached and the belt was getting stuck.    Oh, well that's history and what a feeling to walk and run without issue!! 

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
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