I'm glad I found It
Welcome John. No BS here. Just the honest truth! Funny, when I saw your subject I was thinking that someone had lost a ton of weight and finally found their Johnson...
Anyway welcome to the group and ask any questions that you'd like. We do a Sunday morning weigh-in here that is pretty good for keeping you accountable. Look forward to seeing you on the forum.

It will seem like forever until your surgery, until a couple of days before. Then you'll get the "what the heck am I doing" reaction that will make it seem like that last week goes flying by... It's perfectly normal to have that reaction. At least one of the guys here made it all the way into the hospital, and they were just about to sedate him, and he said "What am I doing here?" and walked out. It was several years before he went back, but this time stuck it out and has done wonderfully since - and really regrets having run out the first time around... If you're like most of us, this WLS will be the best thing you've done since marriage and kids...
I'm doing so many things that I could only dream about 140 lbs ago (and I've still got another 60 or so to get where I want to be)... I'm off my CPAP machine, off my diabetes drugs, almost off my blood pressure medication (last dose was today!), wearing 2XL shirts instead of 5XLT (had to get "talls" to stay tucked in because of my oversized belly!), and size 38 trousers instead of 56 with elastic waistbands... And I'm back flying again (I'm a pilot) and enjoying it even when it's 104 degrees on the runway! (But only 72 degrees at 5500 feet!)
Best of all, I no longer feel like I'm letting my wife and family down by abusing my body such that I won't be around to see my youngest daughter get married, grow old (or older) with my wife, and hopefully spent lots of time with my grandkids... This surgery absolutely gave me my life back, and probably quite literally has added years to my life. I'm so glad it did it!
I'm doing so many things that I could only dream about 140 lbs ago (and I've still got another 60 or so to get where I want to be)... I'm off my CPAP machine, off my diabetes drugs, almost off my blood pressure medication (last dose was today!), wearing 2XL shirts instead of 5XLT (had to get "talls" to stay tucked in because of my oversized belly!), and size 38 trousers instead of 56 with elastic waistbands... And I'm back flying again (I'm a pilot) and enjoying it even when it's 104 degrees on the runway! (But only 72 degrees at 5500 feet!)
Best of all, I no longer feel like I'm letting my wife and family down by abusing my body such that I won't be around to see my youngest daughter get married, grow old (or older) with my wife, and hopefully spent lots of time with my grandkids... This surgery absolutely gave me my life back, and probably quite literally has added years to my life. I'm so glad it did it!
John, welcome to the men's board. Or as Don might say, "men's, not menses"
You'll find this to be a good supportive group to get involved with. Good luck and feel free to drawn on our experiences (I hesitate to say knowledge, cause frankly sometimes I feel like I don't know ****!). Ke

RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life
RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life