Doctor's Goal Weight
Hi All, I hit my 100% doctor's goal weight today (209). So, my surgery is officially successful, I still have more to lose, but pretty sweet milestone. Exercise is being kicked up a nothc in preparation for my first Century ride the day after my birthday. Savannah hear I come. 

First 5K 5/21/2011 00:48:24
First 13 mile run 02:31:39 10/30/2011
5K Race PR 24:38 5/2013
First TRIATHLON 1:48:37 5/7/2012
Augusta Ironman 70.3 6:54:67
Half Marathon PR 1:55:39 6/8/2013 Bootlegger Half Marathon
Congratulations on your success. I'm glad that you posted on the Fitness and Exercise Forum. They can give you good tips. My brother has been doing long rides for charity. The first one he did was from Boston Commons to Central Park in NYC and he was surprised to find that he gained weight on that one. He's learned proper nutrition since then. Resist the urge to fill up on carbs.