100 pounds?!?!
Wow, I got on the scale this morning and it read 216.5. That's a hundred pound loss from my biggest last summer!
I have been getting frustrated recently that the scale is moving so much more slowly (in my mind). Then, when changing my Health Tracker weight, I checked my weight for 3/1/11, and it was 232.5. So, I've lost 16 pounds this month. Not too shabby. And I've felt like I haven't lost anything.
Crazy mindf*k going on...Trying to keep my head above water through it all.
I have been getting frustrated recently that the scale is moving so much more slowly (in my mind). Then, when changing my Health Tracker weight, I checked my weight for 3/1/11, and it was 232.5. So, I've lost 16 pounds this month. Not too shabby. And I've felt like I haven't lost anything.
Crazy mindf*k going on...Trying to keep my head above water through it all.
I tell people that the mental side of WLS can be harder than the physical side. Women who would not give you the time of day, suddenly come up to you and start flirting with you. Getting treated better in business situations ("Well he's skinny...He must have his act togeather...He is very discilined")...If only they knew!! You start looking in the mirror a lot more. Before it was just to get bye and be presentable...Now it's a much harder and detailed look. It can really throw you for a loop if you're not grounded. It really is like an amusement park ride...Not knowing what's around the next corner.
Nice job!!!

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.? Louis L'Amour quote
I admire anyone who can finish a 5K. Way to go Chad.
Max wt. 500+ WLS workshop 4/6/09 440 Surgery 9/21/09 324 9/21/10 218
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