Sleep Study, you guys were right
It sucked!
After getting the 8000 wires attached to my body I was exhausted and slept straight from 10pm to 2am and then woke up and was so irritated with wires and being uncomfortable I was done. But Im pretty sure I set some snoring records and so they probably got what they need. Lets hope so.
This week Psych eval thursday, and Upper Gastro test Friday.
The week after Psych eval follow up Wed, Friday last weight in, then submit to insurance.
After getting the 8000 wires attached to my body I was exhausted and slept straight from 10pm to 2am and then woke up and was so irritated with wires and being uncomfortable I was done. But Im pretty sure I set some snoring records and so they probably got what they need. Lets hope so.
This week Psych eval thursday, and Upper Gastro test Friday.
The week after Psych eval follow up Wed, Friday last weight in, then submit to insurance.