Week 6 Update
Week 6 - 12/21/2010 - lost 6 lbs this week & I am now 103 pounds lighter since March & 40 pounds lost since surgery 11/10/2010. I am very very happy to have reached this point. I feel great and I am not in as much pain as before. I am still not hungry and cant get use to eating. I have no desire to eat. I am still not use to getting compliments, this is something that has never happened before. But i am trying to get use to it. I still have alot to lose and cant wait for the rest to come off. Thanks to everyone that has helped me out so far. It is amazing how some of the people on this website will step it up to help someone else when they are also going through the same process. Cya next week guys
The mental side of WLS is harder than the physical side. Society will treat you different...better in business situations. Beautiful women will walk up to you and say "hello". It can really mess with your mind the first few months...You're thinking "I'm the same guy inside...What gives?" After awhile you'll get use to it. I knew that 3 pounds you lost last week was just a stall and the weight was ready to drop again...Always happens early out. Enjoy the ride.
Jeff, that's fantastic, and I'm so happy for you. I know you're working your butt off to get there, and we're all really proud of what you've accomplished thus far. A hundred pounds - can you even imagine strapping on a backpack with that much weight in it and carrying it while you're doing everything you do all day long? What a relief it must be to see that first 100 gone forever! Keep up the good work!
You're doing great! I looked at your profile and you mentioned goals of having more energy and being able to do things with your family. Well, you are starting to have more energy already. Look to your other goal to motivate yourself.
I remember one man I used to talk to down in FL who was finally able to play basketball with his college aged sons about 1 years after surgery. And, I clearly remember how thrilled he was when he actually beat his son fair and square. He doesn't post here anymore but he is doing fine.
You can be the family man you've wanted to be for years. That could be the best present you can give your family. Yeah, I know the kids will still want toys.
I remember one man I used to talk to down in FL who was finally able to play basketball with his college aged sons about 1 years after surgery. And, I clearly remember how thrilled he was when he actually beat his son fair and square. He doesn't post here anymore but he is doing fine.
You can be the family man you've wanted to be for years. That could be the best present you can give your family. Yeah, I know the kids will still want toys.