What a difference a few weeks make

Robert R.
on 11/17/10 11:51 am
Not long ago I would go out about now and get Taco Bell or something and come home, eat, go to bed.

Now, I am sitting here eating a bowl of Multi-Grain Cheerios. It ain't all that bad.


on 11/17/10 6:10 pm - Willingboro, NJ
You can slowly add a healthy variety of foods to your new food plan.  When choosing boxed cereals, look at the nutritional label for sugar content.  Fiber is important, but there's a wide variety of choices out there with cereal.  Some that sound good on the box still have high amounts of sugar and carbs.  Be aware that natural sweeteners such as honey are just as bad in this regard as cane sugar.

By this point in your life, you probably know this.  Hey, we have proven to be champions at dieting in the past.  Your early post-op period provides time for you to learn a new way of eating.  Stick to it.

I often hold myself as an example of how not to eat.  I am a food addict and have a rough time with between meal snacks.  But, even I remember that I didn't "cheat" at all for the first 3 months following my RNY and even then it was just a handful of M&Ms.  If you get tempted, try to avoid that temptation as long as you can.  Be active, get online here, talk to someone (actally about anything to break your obsession with a particular food or temptaion), or, even write down how you are feeling.  Maybe praying may help.  Also, substiutin a high protein, low carb snack may help.  And, recall how soon you will be eating again.

Some of us are food addicts and have to be careful of trigger foods.  Otheres were simply overeaters.  I was both before RNY but now I'm just the former.  I simply cannot eat huge meals anymore.  Become aware of when you feel full.  Don't try to eat beyond that point.
on 11/17/10 6:13 pm - Willingboro, NJ
Congratulations on your progress so far.  Yes, it ain't all that bad and you are the one making this progress and becoming a new person.  You will adjust to changing situations.  Plan your meals in a general way making sure that you get enough protein.  But, don't fret about the details.  You are in a process of learning a new way of eating.
on 11/17/10 7:33 pm - Grandville, MI
Great advice from SJBob!  It's amazing how the marketing and packaging really send mixed and "Bad" messages.  I've really learned to read the labels, then make good nutritional choices.

If you "need" a snack in the evening, try something high in protein, i.e. a protein bar (Pure Protein 20 G, Detour 15 g), a small protein shake, some nuts, protein powder mixed with yogurt (no sugar or low carb if you can find it).  I like a handful of Almonds & Pecons with a few slices of cheese.  The protein also gives you a sustained "full" feeling.

IF you are going to eat cereal, Kashi has a high protein Crunch and Special K has a high protein option.  Granted, they are only about 10 g Protein, but it is better than just high carb cereal.

Keep up the great work and progress!
Eating junk food and CRAP is not a reward...it's a punishment...
  it's a DEATH sentence...Reward yourself with Good Health!
Highest Weight: 287 Lbs-January 2010; Reached Goal 195 Lbs - Dec 2010 
Total Lost: 92 Lbs;  Completed FULL MARATHON (26.2 Miles) 10-16-2011
Robert R.
on 11/17/10 8:38 pm
None of that was in the house-yet. Not sure I can handle a protein bar, they tend to be tough. Usually my 2nd protein shake is at night, but I noticed that around 5 am, my stomach would be so empty and tight, it would wake me up. Then I would go downstairs and eat part of a banana or something and go back to bed. I thought I would try something that would keep that from happening and it worked.

The main point was last month I would go out and get something that added up to probably 2,000 calories or more, and now I can barely hold a bowl of cereal. Not only that, but so far, I don't even miss the other stuff. Not getting "head" hungry like I used to.


on 11/18/10 10:10 am - Grandville, MI
 That is GREAT!  And Congratulations!  I really think for those of us who were high volume food "addicts" this WLS is an amazing tool.  Like you, it was nothing for me to hit Taco Bell do two burritos and a couple soft tacos.  I did try Taco Bell once post-op, at about 4 months out, I was able to eat a 1/2 bean burrito and it really didn't taste that good.  

Keep doing what works for you and keep those pounds coming off!  Again, Congrats!
Eating junk food and CRAP is not a reward...it's a punishment...
  it's a DEATH sentence...Reward yourself with Good Health!
Highest Weight: 287 Lbs-January 2010; Reached Goal 195 Lbs - Dec 2010 
Total Lost: 92 Lbs;  Completed FULL MARATHON (26.2 Miles) 10-16-2011
Robert R.
on 11/18/10 12:15 pm
2 Double Decker tacos
2 soft taco supremes
1 burrito supreme with chicken
1 XL sweet tea

Ashamed to admit it, but that was the usual. Sometimes I would add something else. At BK it was usually a big fish, 2-3 whopper jrs with cheese, large fry, large tea. Some days, I even did one of those for lunch, one for dinner.

Now, it's a bowl of cereal, a bowl of soup, banana w/2 tsp PB and some pork bbq. That's it for an entire day, not counting protein shakes. Most days it's an envelope of tuna instead of the pork, as the pork has only been once per week.

The Taco Bell was almost 3,000 calories if I recall. All that before bed and eaten within 20 minutes. Now, a bowl of chunky soup (love the veggies and all is easy to chew) takes 2 hours. Who'd thunk it?

My wallet is happier too.


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