I'm a loser, for sure!
So, I stepped on the scale this morning, 10 days post-op, and I've lost 42 lbs since this whole thing started (7 lbs since surgery - finally got all those fluids pushed out, I think). I "officially" started keeping track for my pre-op diet when I was at 411 lbs, but I know I was around 420 at one time, so that's officially 10% of me "gone for good"!
While that's great in and of itself, I had a whole series of mini-firsts in the past 48 hours that actually mean even more to me:
* Got the JP drain removed so I don't feel like a "freak". (Makes it much easier to ride in the car - the side-to-side jostling doesn't even bother me any more.)
* Went to visit my Mom at her home - first "public" venture.
* Walked up to the second floor, and didn't have to stop to catch my breath when I got there!
* Took a shower and discovered that I could wash my feet without having to use the step-stool!
* Had a "normal" BM. (Sorry - but those of you who've been there will surely understand!)
* Gave myself my Lovenox shot (anti-coagulant) - which is a major deal, because I'm so needle-phobic that I never believed I would be able to do it - my wife's been doing it for me...
* While walking this morning, I realized that I was actually seeing my feet over my belly. (OK, so those of you who weren't as big may not be able to identify with this one, but... It's a big deal psychologically.)
I feel great, and am so glad that I decided to do the RNY. I know there will be tough days ahead, but I already feel SO much better that I can't believe it. I've lost the equivalent of 2 bags of kitty litter - which I'm no longer hauling around with me everywhere I go.
While that's great in and of itself, I had a whole series of mini-firsts in the past 48 hours that actually mean even more to me:
* Got the JP drain removed so I don't feel like a "freak". (Makes it much easier to ride in the car - the side-to-side jostling doesn't even bother me any more.)
* Went to visit my Mom at her home - first "public" venture.
* Walked up to the second floor, and didn't have to stop to catch my breath when I got there!
* Took a shower and discovered that I could wash my feet without having to use the step-stool!
* Had a "normal" BM. (Sorry - but those of you who've been there will surely understand!)
* Gave myself my Lovenox shot (anti-coagulant) - which is a major deal, because I'm so needle-phobic that I never believed I would be able to do it - my wife's been doing it for me...
* While walking this morning, I realized that I was actually seeing my feet over my belly. (OK, so those of you who weren't as big may not be able to identify with this one, but... It's a big deal psychologically.)
I feel great, and am so glad that I decided to do the RNY. I know there will be tough days ahead, but I already feel SO much better that I can't believe it. I've lost the equivalent of 2 bags of kitty litter - which I'm no longer hauling around with me everywhere I go.
Yee Haw! ;-)
Yep, I love taking showers now.
They don't exhaust me and I don't have to contort to try to reach places.
I also give myself the B-12 shot and am so needle phobic that I almost pass out every time. But, I'm determined to overcome that, so I've decided if I want them, I have to do it!
I am glad I did this, too. It IS difficult and challenging and difficult to get use to...But worth it? Oh hell yeah!
Just keep it up and hang in there and keep us posted!!!
Join Us, all you October 2010 RNYers!
Well, since we let them win the "inaugural" game in the new stadium, it's only fair that we let them win every time we play. Oh wait - we're letting everybody do that this year... Sigh.
The best part about it is that I've got a much better perspective on it now than I would have last year... Cowboys lost? Oh well, I'm a "loser" too!
The best part about it is that I've got a much better perspective on it now than I would have last year... Cowboys lost? Oh well, I'm a "loser" too!