Back from the hospital - finally
I was doing great on day after surgery, walking my butt off, etc. Then my belly button "exploded" into a huge hernia... Apparently too much pressure for an already problematic area... It was incredibly painful - sticking out almost 2 inches, and about 2 inches in diameter... Holy cow! They had to call Dr Nick back in, and he worked on it for a while, pressing on it really hard, and it finally collapsed back inside. But in the process, what had been a nearly pain-free surgery was suddenly excruciatingly painful. He explained that the "hole" was too large to sew shut, and he couldn't use mesh until the RNY is better healed. So now I have a wad of gauze stuffed into the "hole" and several rolls of gauze pressing into place, and a half-mile of tape and a belly-wrap holding all that in place.
Anyway, that caused me to have to stay an extra day, because I couldn't drink enough to stay hydrated. But now I'm home, and other than this huge lump on my tummy, everything is fine.
The wife is getting prescriptions filled, and I'm reporting in... And sipping Isopure...
Anyway, that caused me to have to stay an extra day, because I couldn't drink enough to stay hydrated. But now I'm home, and other than this huge lump on my tummy, everything is fine.
The wife is getting prescriptions filled, and I'm reporting in... And sipping Isopure...

Hang in there Jim. Isopure bottled drinks helped me get both my liquid and protein in as well during the first 2 weeks post-op. As someone else was saying, how the weight "just seems to fall off" day by day at first really helps to get you through the initial recovery pains and aggrivations. Just do what the doctors tell you.