18 pound in a week!!!
Hello all this is joe and i had my ROUX EN Y last thursday. I'm very happy so far everything has went smoothly and No complications thus far. Today i went out and bought a digital scale. When i went in to the hospital i weighed 284 and one week from surgery i"m down to 266 wtf?
That is so awesome, I feel so great already, i can't wait to experience all the great things that this journey will bring my way. I felt so great that i thought i'd share it with all my oh family. Have a great day all!!!

It happens so fast your head will spin!! Soon the mental side of WLS will be harder than the physical side. You'll get treated better in business situations. Beautiful women will start checking you out. It can really throw you for a loop, if you're not grounded in this stuff. Many people say WLS is like an amusement park ride...You don't know what's around the next corner. Hang on for the ride of your life...
Hey. CJ. Love the post! I know how amazing those first few weeks can be. For me.. it got even better. I do things now I never dreamed that I would do again. Good Luck.
Max wt. 500+ WLS workshop 4/6/09 440 Surgery 9/21/09 324 9/21/10 218
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