Newbie - 4 days away and getting nervous by the day
I've been reading much in the RNY forum and posted a few over there. Found alot of good reading over there but seems most of it is geared around a woman's perspective. My wife found the Men's forum. I started reading couple days ago and I've found you guys to be a great bunch of buddies that support each other plus it is nice to get another guy's perspective. Hope you don't mind my joining in once and awhile.
Went through pre-op yesterday and am set for getting my RNY Tues, Oct 12th. For the next 2 days I'm on a regular diet with clear liquids only scheduled the day before surgery. Trying to lose weight by my brain keeps telling me to get those last meals and beverages (i'm going to miss) in before surgery.
Welcome, you will find it much different here than on the regular forums.
Did your surgeon put you on a high protein pre-op diet? this is usually done not for the weightloss but to shrink the fatty areas of your liver and make more room for the surgeon to work.
I drank sodas up until the day before surgery but really didn't do the final meal things. My last splurge was ice cream with my family 2 weeks before surgry.
Good luck!
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03 First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (PR 2:24:35)
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04

He didn't put me on a specfic diet. He just told me to lose weight. For 6 month prior to that the dietician I had to see each month had recommended a protein shake every morning, which I did. After I started doing my homework, I found that increasing protein in my diet was a good thing but no one ever told me it helped reduce the fat aroung the liver, nor did they tell me it was important to reduce the size of the liver before surgery. Had I known that I would have doubled up on the protein shakes.
I had my RNY laproscopic surgery last Saturday 10/2 and came home tuesday 10/5. I have not had any pain and no pain meds, some discomfort in the stomach area but i feel amazingly good and as of today I am 14 lbs down from last friday and of course on a liquid diet for 2 weeks or so.
So best of luck to you and i look forward to your post surgery updates.