Gas is "killing" me!
Hi Grandpa-G
What I found helps a lot around the house, especially at night, is an air purifier with a carbon filter to absorb all of the nasty odours. I got a Sharp fp-p40cx plasmacluster for about $200.00, most likely a lot less in US. It works very good and the bedroom does not smell at all. For a few more dollars you can get the same thing with a humidifier buid into it.
Good luck,
George L, from ON, Canada
Thanks guys! I have learned to watch the "white" carbs. They do seem to increase the gas. I've also tried DEVROM, which helps some with the odor.
Its a pitty I can bottle this stuff and heat the house or run the car with it. Now if someone could invent a way to build something into the car seat so when you cut loose, it's able to use the gas to run the engine, I'd never have to stop at a gas station again. Energy crisis solved!
Its a pitty I can bottle this stuff and heat the house or run the car with it. Now if someone could invent a way to build something into the car seat so when you cut loose, it's able to use the gas to run the engine, I'd never have to stop at a gas station again. Energy crisis solved!
Are you taking any good-quality probiotics? You might need them now, as far out as you are .. The gut sometimes gets "shortchanged" in the "good" bacteria due to the surgery, and it needs to be replenished to take care of the gas formation problem ..

Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )